
1/25/19, 4:45 PM

M-A010819-02 Reminder - Implementation details for functionality related to shadow settlements for Emergency Response Service (ERS)

NOTICE DATE:  January 25, 2019

NOTICE TYPE:  M-A010819-02 Settlements

SHORT DESCRIPTION:  Reminder - Implementation details for functionality related to shadow settlements for Emergency Response Service (ERS)  

INTENDED AUDIENCE:  ERCOT Market Participant Settlement personnel

DAYS AFFECTED:  February 5 – 7, 2019 and ERS Contract Period Oct18-Jan19

LONG DESCRIPTION:  ERCOT will be publishing additional information to aid in shadow settlement of ERS. New tables will be added to provide contract period information and new columns will reference the contract period information. ERCOT will begin using these new tables for the ERS Contract Period Oct18-Jan19.

The following changes will be made to the data extracts:





Report ID

Billing Determinant


New Table

Public Reference Data Extract (PRDE)





New Table

Public Reference Data Extract (PRDE)





New column

Real Time Market Market Operating Day Extract (MODE)



ERSTOT (new)


New column

Real Time Market Consolidated Operating Day Extract (CODE)



ERSLRS (new)


New Column

Real Time Market Market Operating Day Extract (MODE)





New column

Real Time Market Consolidated Operating Day Extract (CODE)







These changes are being made to allow settlement process to refer to the subscript c, the ERS Contract Period, and to provide additional billing determinants related to the ERCOT Protocol sections listed below not previously provided in the extracts.        Emergency Response Service Capacity Payments

(1)        ERCOT shall pay, for each Emergency Response Service (ERS) Contract Period, the QSEs representing ERS Resources as follows:

ERSPAMT qc(tp)d = COMPAMT qc(tp)d + SPAMT qc(tp)d


ERSPAMTTOT c(tp)d = ERSPAMT qc(tp)d

ERSPAMT qc(tp)d


ERS Payment Amount per QSE per ERS Contract Period per ERS Time Period per ERS Service Type—ERS total payment to QSE q for ERS Contract Period c, and ERS Time Period tp and ERS service type d.



ERS Payment QSE Total per QSE—The total ERS total payments to QSE q.



ERS Payment Amount Total per ERS Contract Period per ERS Time Period per ERS Service Type—Total of all ERS payments for ERS Contract Period c, ERS Time Period tp and ERS service type d.        Emergency Response Service Capacity Charge

(1)        ERCOT shall allocate costs for an ERS service type and ERS Contract Period based on the LRS of each QSE during each ERS Time Period in an ERS Contract Period.  A QSE’s LRS for an ERS Time Period shall be the QSE’s total Load for the ERS Time Period divided by the total ERCOT Load in the ERS Time Period.  For the first Settlement of the ERS Contract Period as described in paragraph (1) of Section 9.14.5, Settlement of Emergency Response Service, LRS will be calculated using the latest Settlement Load for each Operating Day in the ERS Contract Period.  For the resettlement of the ERS Contract Period as described in paragraph (2) of Section 9.14.5, the LRS will be calculated using the true-up Load for each Operating Day in the ERS Contract Period. 

(2)        ERCOT shall calculate each QSE’s ERS capacity charge as follows:

LAERSAMT  qc(tp)d = ERSLRS qc(tp)d * ERSPAMTTOT c(tp)d


ERSLRS qc(tp)d


ERS Load Ratio Share per QSE per ERS Contract Period per ERS Time Period per ERS Service TypeERS LRS for QSE q for ERS Contract Period c, ERS Time Period tp and ERS service type d, calculated starting with the first hour of the ERS Contract Period and ending with the earlier of the last hour of the ERS Contract Period or the hour containing the recall instruction in an ERS deployment event that results in the exhaustion of a QSE portfolio’s ERS obligation.  If the resultant QSE-level share is negative, the QSE’s share will be set to zero and all other QSE shares will be adjusted on a pro rata basis such that the sum of all shares is equal to one.

LAERSAMT qc(tp)d


Load-Allocated ERS Amount per QSE per ERS Contract Period per ERS Time Period per ERS Service TypeERS charge for QSE q for ERS Contract Period c, ERS Time Period tp and ERS service type d.


ACTION REQUIRED:  Implement changes to shadow Settlement systems for additional contract period attribute.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:  Draft versions for the following can be found on the Market Data Transparency page of the ERCOT website, by visiting the DDLs and XSDs sections to download the necessary files:

·         Data Definition Language (DDL) EMIL ID GEN-253, Report ID 202 PRDE Extract_DRAFT.txt and Settlements_Extracts_DRAFT.txt for the Comma Separated Value (CSV) files

·         XML Schema Definitions (XSD) PRDE Extract XSD DRAFT and Settlements XSD DRAFT for the Extensible Markup Language (XML) files for the new tables


Please review the ERCOT website for previous Market Notices related to this subject.

CONTACT:  If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at ClientServices@ercot.com.

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