
6/18/19, 4:25 PM

W-A061819-01 Removal of Elgin Switch 138/69kV Auto Transformer Pre-Contingency Action Plan

NOTICE DATE:  June 18, 2019

NOTICE TYPE:  W-A061819-01 Operations

SHORT DESCRIPTION:  Removal of Elgin Switch 138/69kV Auto Transformer Pre-Contingency Action Plan

INTENDED AUDIENCE:  All Market Participants

DAY AFFECTED:  June 18, 2019

LONG DESCRIPTION:  The Elgin Switch 138/69kV Auto Transformer Pre-Contingency Action Plan (PCAP) has been an approved PCAP since June 2013. This PCAP was needed to resolve post-contingency, low-voltage conditions associated with the loss of the 138/69 kV transformer at Elgin Switch. The PCAP is no longer needed because of upgrades and reconfigurations at Elgin.

The purpose of this notice is to provide notification to all ERCOT Market Participants about the removal of the Elgin Switch 138/69kV Auto Transformer PCAP.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:  Information regarding all Constraint Management Plans can be found in the “Remedial Action Schemes and Constraint Management Plans” portlet located on the Long-Term Planning page of ERCOT’s Market Information System (MIS).

CONTACT:  If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at ClientServices@ercot.com.

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