CREATE TABLE TDSP_ESIID ( ESIID VARCHAR2(100), ADDRESS VARCHAR2(200), ADDRESS_OVERFLOW VARCHAR2(100), CITY VARCHAR2(50), STATE VARCHAR2(10), ZIPCODE VARCHAR2(30), COUNTY VARCHAR2(50), DUNS VARCHAR2(30), METER_READ_CYCLE VARCHAR2(30), STATUS VARCHAR2(30), PREMISE_TYPE VARCHAR2(30), POWER_REGION VARCHAR2(30), STATIONCODE VARCHAR2(64), STATIONNAME VARCHAR2(64), METERED VARCHAR2(10), OPEN_SERVICE_ORDERS VARCHAR2(2000), POLR_CUSTOMER_CLASS VARCHAR2(30), SETTLEMENT_AMS_INDICATOR VARCHAR2(1), TDSP_AMS_INDICATOR VARCHAR2(30), SWITCH_HOLD_INDICATOR CHAR(1), METERED_SERVICE_TYPE VARCHAR2(30), METERED_SERVICE_TYPE_DESC VARCHAR2(100)); COMMENT ON TABLE TDSP_ESIID IS 'Table that stores the addresses for the accounts (ESIIDs etc...)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.ESIID IS 'The Electric Service Industry Identifier (ESIID) as assigned by the TDSP'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.ADDRESS IS 'Registered Street Address ex: SEA BREEZE TANK STA'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.ADDRESS_OVERFLOW IS 'Address Overflow information - if necessary'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.CITY IS 'Registered City ex: WINNIE'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.STATE IS 'Registered State ex: TX'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.ZIPCODE IS 'Registered Zip Code ex: 77665'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.COUNTY IS 'County assigned by the TDSP ex: TRAVIS'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.DUNS IS 'This code uniquely identifies the market participant as registered at ERCOT'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.METER_READ_CYCLE IS 'Structure Type ex: 03'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.STATUS IS 'Status of the organization account ex: Active'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.PREMISE_TYPE IS 'Denotes the type of premise as either Residential, Small Non-Residential, or Large Non-Residential.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.POWER_REGION IS 'The unique character code identifying the power region the ESIID is electrically connected in as assigned by the TDSP (ERCOT, SPP, SERC, WSCC).'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.STATIONCODE IS 'The unique character code to identify a substation serving an ESIID as assigned by the TDSP and used in the ERCOT Network Model.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.STATIONNAME IS 'The long name to identify a substation used in the ERCOT Network Model.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.METERED IS 'The derivation of the PROFILETYPE of the PROFILECODE. If the PROFILETYPE is = NM, the data would show N for not metered. If the PROFILETYPE is <> NM, the data would show Y for metered.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.OPEN_SERVICE_ORDERS IS 'Concatenation of all pending service orders by pipe (|) that includes the service order type and scheduled date. '; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.POLR_CUSTOMER_CLASS IS 'POLR Customer Class (Residential, Small Non_Residential, Medium Non-Residential, or Large Non-Residential)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.SETTLEMENT_AMS_INDICATOR IS 'The flag to identify if the meter is an advanced meter.''Y''=AMS meter,''N''= not AMS meter'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.TDSP_AMS_INDICATOR IS 'Indicates the ESIID has a provisioned AMS meter. AMSM = TDSP provisioned AMS meter without remote connect and disconnect capability, AMSR = TDSP provisioned AMS meter with remote connect and disconnect capability. NULL = either a Non AMS meter, a non-provisioned AMS meter or unmetered.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.SWITCH_HOLD_INDICATOR IS 'The indicator to identify if there are Switch Holds present at ERCOT .''Y''=Switch Hold present,''N''= No Switch Hold present'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.METERED_SERVICE_TYPE IS 'Primary type of service that is being metered for the Service Address ex: M04'; COMMENT ON COLUMN TDSP_ESIID.METERED_SERVICE_TYPE_DESC IS 'Optional field used to provide additional information regarding the Metered Service Type. Ex: FIREWORKS STAND';