Rejected Planning Guide Revision Requests (PGRRs)
# Title Description Date Posted Sponsor Urgent Protocol Sections Current Status Effective Date(s)
PGRR011 Planning Criteria Clarifications and Enhancements To Narrow The Gap Between Operations and Planning This Planning Guide Revision Request (PGRR) provides clarifications and additions to the transmission planning criteria to address the gap between operations and planning processes in order to develop adequate transmission capacity to minimize the likelihood of unmanageable constraints (i.e. Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) irresolvable constraints) being encountered in Real-Time. 08/05/2011 Luminant No 2.1, 2.2,, Rejected
PGRR031 Implement 95% Facility Rating Limit in the Planning Criteria This Planning Guide Revision Request (PGRR) changes the planning criteria such that system improvements are planned when studies show Facilities will be loaded up to 95% of their applicable rating. 06/12/2013 PLWG No Rejected
PGRR090 Additional Flexibility for Updates to Seasonal Net Max Sustainable Rating This Planning Guide Revision Request (PGRR) allows Generation Resources to notify ERCOT of a Seasonal Net Max Sustainable Rating increase by updating its Resource Registration information if the request is within the limitations of an existing interconnection study/agreement. 04/22/2021 Temple Generation I Pending 5.1.1 Rejected