Pending System Change Requests (SCRs)
# Title Description Date Posted Sponsor Urgent Protocol Sections Current Status Effective Date(s)
SCR826 Enhancements This System Change Request (SCR) updates the ERCOT homepage to be more useful to the general public based on the large amount of attention that the website has received this summer. 09/14/2023 Residential Consumer No Pending
SCR829 API for the NDCRC Application This System Change Request (SCR) adds an Application Programming Interface (API) to upload unit testing data and download unit testing data from the Net Dependable Capability and Reactive Capability (NDCRC) application. 12/05/2024 Joint Sponsors - Constellation, Tenaska, NRG, LCRA No Pending
SCR830 Expose Limited API Endpoints Using Machine-to-Machine Authentication This System Change Request (SCR) implements a machine-to-machine (“M2M”) client credentials authentication flow using OAuth 2.0 to allow for certain read-only endpoints of the GINR Rest Application Programming Interface (API) to be exposed for authorized use. 12/30/2024 American Electric Power No Pending
SCR831 Short Circuit Model Integration This System Change Request (SCR) modifies the Network Model Management System (NMMS), ODMS, Topology Processor, and Modeling on Demand system to incorporate short circuit modeling data for maintaining short circuit models built by the System Protection Working Group (SPWG). 01/15/2025 ERCOT No Pending