1/8/25, 11:30 AM
M-A010825-01 Implementation of Requirements in Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) 245, Inverter-Based Resource (IBR) Ride-Through Requirements
NOTICE DATE: January 8, 2025
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Implementation of Requirements in Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) 245, Inverter-Based Resource (IBR) Ride-Through Requirements
INTENDED AUDIENCE: Resource Entities (REs)
DAYS AFFECTED: All dates after October 1, 2024
LONG DESCRIPTION: The Public Utility Commission of Texas approved NOGRR 245 to be effective October 1, 2024. Accordingly, the revised ride-through requirements in the Nodal Operating Guides (NOG) are currently in effect. ERCOT is working on an intake process for data associated with the requirements established through NOGRR 245 and will issue a supplemental Market Notice providing additional details of the intake process when available. This Market Notice reminds impacted entities of the current and future requirements and applicable deadlines.
In accordance with the requirements established in NOGRR 245, REs and Interconnecting Entities (IEs) with IBRs, Type 1 and Type 2 Wind-Powered Generation Resources (WGRs) must meet the following (Note: the actual requirements appear in the NOG; in the event of a conflict between this Market Notice and the NOG, the NOG prevail):
Requirement |
Deadline |
IBR/Type 1/Type 2 WGR (Applicable Resources) must meet the Frequency Ride-Through (FRT) requirements in the NOG and maximize FRT capability to the fullest extent equipment allows [See, NOG §] |
As soon as practicable but no later than 12/31/2025 |
Applicable Resources with Standard Generation Interconnection Agreements (SGIAs) dated before 8/1/24 that have not implemented modifications to satisfy NOG § must meet FRT requirements in NOG § |
Immediately |
Applicable Resources that cannot remain reliably connected to grid per NOG §, must provide info required in NOG §2.11 [See, NOG §] |
Immediately |
IBR w/ SGIA after 8/1/24 or that implements modification covered by Planning Guide §5.2.1(1)(c) must meet Voltage Ride-Through (VRT) requirements in NOG § [See, NOG §2.9.1(1)(a)] |
Upon synchronization |
Applicable Resources w/ SGIA before 8/1/24 must meet VRT requirements in NOG § [See, NOG §2.9.1(1)(b)] |
12/31/2025 |
Applicable Resources with SGIA after 8/1/24 or that implement a modification covered by Planning Guide §5.2.1(1)(c) after 8/1/24 must meet or exceed VRT requirements in IEEE 2800-2022 §§ 5, 7 and 9 [See, NOG 2.9.1(2)] |
Upon synchronization |
Type 3 WGR may seek extension to make modifications to meet requirements in NOG § by setting VRT capability to the maximum level equipment allows as soon as practicable [See, NOG §§; 2.12] |
4/1/2025 |
Until it maximizes FRT/VRT capability, Applicable Resource must comply with ride-through requirements in effect on 5/1/24 [See, NOG §2.11(2)] |
Until maximization |
Applicable Resource that becomes aware of newly available software, firmware, settings, or parameterization modification for Resource with exemption, must: (i) submit to ERCOT a plan to implement new modifications within 90 days, and (ii) if ERCOT approves plan, implement it within 180 days |
On-going |
Applicable Resources and Type 3 WGRs [meeting criteria in NOG §2.9.1(5)] with SGIA before 8/1/24 may seek exemption from FRT/VRT requirements in NOG § or § [See, NOG §, (b)] |
4/1/2025 |
IBR with SGIA after 8/1/24 seeking extension to meet NOG § per NOG § must submit listed info [See, NOG §] |
4/1/2025 |
Applicable Resources must maximize performance of protection systems, controls, and other plant equipment to meet/exceed NOG § or IEEE 2800-2022 §§5, 7 and 9 (as applicable) [See, NOG §§2.9.1(8);;] |
As soon as practicable but no later than 12/31/2025 or COD |
Type 1/Type 2 WGRs not required to meet/exceed capability and performance requirements in IEEE 2800-2022 §§ 5, 7 and 9 but must meet or exceed VRT requirements in NOG § [See, NOG §2.9.1(7)] |
12/1/2025 |
Applicable Resource with SGIA before 8/1/24 that cannot meet NOG § by 12/31/25 after maximizing performance of protection systems, controls, and other plant equipment (even with extension) must submit Initial VRT Capability Report (IVRTCR) and notice of intent to request exemption [See, NOG §] |
4/1/2025 |
Applicable Resources must inform ERCOT of date they fully maximized FRT/VRT capability to equipment limits to meet/exceed NOG §, IEEE 2800-2022 §§5, 7 and 9, NOG §, or NOG § (as applicable) |
Upon maximization |
Applicable Resource that believes it: (i) already maximized FRT/VRT capabilities to meet/exceed applicable requirements, or (ii) will maximize FRT/VRT capabilities to meet/exceed performance requirements before 12/31/25, must submit accurate models reflecting field settings consistent w/ requirements for model updates in Protocols and Other Binding Documents [See, NOG §2.11(1)] |
4/1/2025 |
IBR with SGIA after 8/1/24 that cannot meet or exceed VRT requirements in IEEE 2800-2022 §§ 5, 7 and 9 by synchronization date may request temporary extension [See, NOG 2.9.1(6)] |
By synchronization date |
IBR may request extension for upgrades or retrofits to confirm capability in |
4/1/2025 |
Applicable Resource that cannot comply with FRT/VRT requirements must: (1) request extension and/or (2) submit notice of intent to request exemption (along with Initial FRT Capability Report or IVRTCR, as applicable, and describing need for exemption) [See, NOG §§; 2.11.1(1); 2.12.1(1);;] |
4/1/2025 |
IBR with SGIA after 8/1/24 requesting extension to meet VRT requirements must submit extension request and information in NOG § [See, NOG §, (3), (4)] |
4/1/2025 |
ACTION REQUIRED: All activities associated with implementing the NOGRR245 requirements.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For more information regarding this Market Notice, please contact or your ERCOT Account Manager.
CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact or your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at
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