
2/19/25, 1:44 PM

M-A010825-03 DocuSign emails sent and data template posted on the ERCOT public website to support collection of ride-through capability information required by the ERCOT Nodal Operating Guides (NOG).

NOTICE DATE: February 19, 2025


SHORT DESCRIPTION: DocuSign emails sent and data template posted on the ERCOT public website to support collection of ride-through capability information required by the ERCOT Nodal Operating Guides (NOG).

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Resource Entities (REs) and Interconnecting Entities (IEs) with transmission-connected IBRs, Type 1 Wind-Powered Generation Resources (WGRs), or Type 2 WGRs commissioned or in the interconnection process.

DAYS AFFECTED: February 19, 2025, through April 1, 2025

LONG DESCRIPTION: The Public Utility Commission of Texas approved NOG Revision Request (NOGRR) 245 to be effective October 1, 2024. Accordingly, the revised ride-through requirements in the NOG are currently in effect. Pursuant to the NOG requirements, REs and IEs must submit to ERCOT certain data on or before April 1, 2025. To assist REs and IEs in that process, ERCOT developed a data submission process. Specifically, REs and IEs will provide the required information differently depending on the Resource’s operational status or stage in the Resource Interconnection process (for Resources and projects without a Resource Commissioning Date as defined in the ERCOT Protocols). Regardless of how submitted, entities must provide the required information to ERCOT on or before April 1, 2025 even if ERCOT did not send a DocuSign envelope.

REs and IEs should submit the required data via one of the following methods:

  1. For IBRs and WGRs in the Generation Interconnection or Modification (GIM) queue without an approved Production Load Date (PLD), submit the information via a change request in the Resource Integration and Ongoing Operations (RIOO) system using the template posted in the “Guides” section of the Resource Integration website at Resource Integration
  2. For IBRs and WGRs with a Resource Commissioning Date or with an approved PLD, reply to an ERCOT-initiated DocuSign email ERCOT will send today.

In an attempt to assist Market Participants in meeting the NOG requirements, ERCOT used its best efforts to identify all Resources and projects covered by item 2 above. However, regardless of whether you receive a DocuSign email today, entities must submit the required information to ERCOT on or before April 1, 2025. If entities have trouble submitting the required information, please send an email to

[NOTE: The NOG requirements apply only to transmission-connected IBRs and WGRs; distribution-connected or Settlement Only IBRs and WGRs are not required to provide the requested data]

ERCOT has posted the following documents in the “Guides” section of the Resource Integration website at Resource Integration:

  • The data template with instructions on how to provide a completed template to ERCOT via RIOO;
  • An updated DocuSign template for reference;
  • An Initial Frequency Ride-Through Capability Report (IFRTCR) template;
  • An Initial Voltage Ride-Through Capability Report (IVRTCR) template; and
  • A frequently asked questions (FAQ) document.

To support Market Participants in this process, ERCOT intends to conduct another workshop on March 10, 2025 (rescheduled from February 26, 2025). Please monitor the ERCOT calendar ( for time and location information.

Additionally, pursuant to the ERCOT Planning Guide Section 5.5(6)(a), the interconnecting Transmission Service Provider and ERCOT must review and approve any proposed modifications to control settings or equipment of an operational resource that impacts dynamic response (such as voltage, frequency, and current injections) at the Point of Interconnection. This is in accordance with the process approved in Planning Guide Revision Request (PGRR) 109, effective May 1, 2024. However, if the proposed modification to the existing resources falls under ERCOT Planning Guide Section 5.2.1(1)(c), it must go through the GIM process.

ACTION REQUIRED: All REs and IEs with Resources required to meet the ride-through performance capabilities in the NOG – whether commissioned, in the commissioning process or with an approved PLD - must provide the information required in the NOG on or before April 1, 2025.

CONTACT: If you have any questions, please send an email to, contact your ERCOT Account Manager, call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900, or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at

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