7/22/24, 4:23 PM

M-A072224-01 Posting of XSD files of Energy Offer Curves for Generation Resources and Energy Storage Resources

NOTICE DATE: July 22, 2024


SHORT DESCRIPTION: Posting of XSD files of Energy Offer Curves for Generation Resources and Energy Storage Resources

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Qualified Scheduling Entities for Resource Entities

DAY AFFECTED: August 22, 2024

LONG DESCRIPTION: In connection with the implementation of NPRR1058, Clarify Requirements for Generation Resources (GRs) and Energy Storage Resources (ESRs), ERCOT intends to implement new optional field named "reasonText" as part of Energy Offer Curves for GRs and ESRs. In addition, the enumeration for the existing "reason" element will be extended with a new value of "OTHR".

The new XML schema definition (XSD) file (“External_Web_Services_XSD_V1.27_NPRR1058”) and a revised version of the EIP External Interfaces Specification document (“EIP_External_Interfaces_Specification_v1_27”) have been posted on the XSDs page of the ERCOT website. This information has also been posted to the Developer Portal at

ERCOT will send a follow up Market Notice when MOTE is available with these changes.

CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at

