
10/23/23, 9:51 AM

M-A102323-01 ERCOT is issuing Real-Time Market (RTM) Resettlement Statements reflecting corrected Load Volumes

NOTICE DATE: October 23, 2023

NOTICE TYPE: M-A102323-01 Settlement

SHORT DESCRIPTION: ERCOT is issuing Real-Time Market (RTM) Resettlement Statements reflecting corrected Load Volumes

INTENDED AUDIENCE: QSE Settlement Personnel

DAYS AFFECTED: Certain Operating Days between March 28, 2023 – September 20, 2023

LONG DESCRIPTION: Due to an ERCOT data entry error, certain Load on Settlement Statements that ran in batch on September 21, 2023 through September 24, 2023 was improperly settled as Unaccounted for Energy instead of being allocated to a Qualified Scheduling Entity and Load Service Entity associated with the Load. ERCOT will therefore be issuing Real-Time Market (RTM) Resettlement Statements for certain Operating Days that will be using corrected Load volumes. The affected Operating Days are March 28, 2023 through March 31, 2023, July 30, 2023 through August 2, 2023, and September 17, 2023 through September 20, 2023. ERCOT expects to complete issuance of the Real-Time Market (RTM) Resettlement Statements by the end of October 2023. 

Due to the impact to the Load Ratio Share for Operating Day July 31, 2023, which is the coincidental ERCOT-wide peak for the month of July, the July 2023 Final CRR Auction Revenue (CARD) Invoices and July 2023 Final CRR Balancing Account (CRRBA) Invoices will be corrected and issued via Miscellaneous Invoices in November 2023.

CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at

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