NOTICE DATE: November 21, 2023
NOTICE TYPE: M-A112123-01 General
SHORT DESCRIPTION: ERCOT to launch beta version of new API Explorer
INTENDED AUDIENCE: All Market Participants
DAYS AFFECTED: December 15, 2023
LONG DESCRIPTION: On December 15, ERCOT will launch a beta version of its new Public APIs application. The application will be open to Market Participants as well as the public.
This initial Public API will consist of two areas, the Data Access Portal and the Public APIs.
The Data Access Portal will provide public users and Market Participants faster access to expired ERCOT public data through a web portal. Users will be able to browse the latest, as well as expired data from certain public ERCOT reports. Initially, 35 reports will be available within the beta version of the Data Access Portal, with the number of reports increasing with time.
The Public APIs will provide participant developers with a RESTful framework based on the OpenAPI standards, allowing developers to build their own applications using ERCOT reports.
To locate public data that is not included in the Data Access Portal, please continue to search the ERCOT Market Information List (EMIL).
Feedback Opportunities
ERCOT encourages users to offer feedback for improving the portal. Please send feedback about these new portals at any time via the ERCOT Public Portal or to your Account Manager.
ACTION REQUIRED: Users must read and accept the Terms of Use (TOU) for the site. Once the TOU are accepted, users must register to use the API Public Portal by providing their name and email address.
CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at
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