12/30/22, 4:32 PM

M-B123022-01 Notification of Deployment of FFSS and Failure to Notify All Market Participants

NOTICE DATE: December 30, 2022

NOTICE TYPE: M-B123022-01 General

SHORT DESCRIPTION: Notification of Deployment of FFSS and Failure to Notify All Market Participants

INTENDED AUDIENCE: All Market Participants

DAYS AFFECTED: December 22, 2022, 12:00 AM - December 25, 2022, 01:00 AM

LONG DESCRIPTION: ERCOT Operators deployed Firm Fuel Supply Service (FFSS) resources during the recent extreme cold weather conditions from December 22-25, 2022.  A daily summary of the FFSS resource deployment is listed below.

12/22/2022: 4 Resources deployed - 757.5 MW

12/23/2022: 8 Resources deployed - 948.5 MW

12/24/2022: 8 Resources deployed - 948.5 MW

12/25/2022: 2 Resources deployed - 38.5 MW

ERCOT intends to present a more detailed report on the FFSS resource deployment to the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) on January 24, 2023, consistent with the reporting requirement in Nodal Protocols Section 3.14.5(8).

Communications Issue

Pursuant to Nodal Protocols Section3.14.5(4) (h): "Upon deployment or recall of FFSS, ERCOT shall notify all Market Participants that such deployment or recall has been made, including the MW capacity of service deployed or recalled."

After the deployment of FFSS this notification was not sent out to all Market Participants as required under the Protocols.  ERCOT has identified the root cause of the issue and immediately took steps to fix the functionality that failed.  This market notice is meant to ensure all Market Participants are aware of the deployment and the remedial action taken to ensure future notices are successful. 

CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at

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