6/7/24, 4:06 PM
R-A040124-02 Request for Renewable Energy Percentages
NOTICE DATE: June 7, 2024
NOTICE TYPE: R-A040124-02 Retail
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Request for Renewable Energy Percentages
INTENDED AUDIENCE: Retail Electric Providers
DAY AFFECTED: July 1, 2024
LONG DESCRIPTION: As required by PUCT Substantive Rule 25.476, Renewable and Green Energy Verification, ERCOT posted the 2023 Texas Renewable Content Calculator on on April 1, 2024. This spreadsheet contains the following information:
- Percentage of total system MWh generated by fuel type from each Texas-based generator
- MWh-weighted average annual emissions rate for each Texas-based generator
- Statewide average fuel mix
- Statewide system average emission rates for each type of emission
- Default fuel mix and default emission rates
Rule 25.476(h) requires each Retail Electric Provider (REP) to update the Electricity Facts Label (EFL) for each product currently offered or offered during the preceding calendar year so that its EFL displays the renewable energy percentages determined by using the 2023 Texas Renewable Content Calculator for generation purchased during the preceding calendar year. The rule also requires each REP to report the renewable energy percentages to the registration agent, ERCOT, no later than July 1, 2024.
ACTION REQUIRED: ERCOT requests that each REP submit a list of all products currently offered or offered during the preceding calendar year along with the corresponding renewable energy percentages updated using the 2023 Texas Renewable Content Calculator no later than July 1, 2024.
As an alternative, REPs may submit one of the following for each product currently offered or offered during the preceding calendar year:
- A completed 2023 Texas Renewable Content Calculator
- An updated Electric Facts Label
Please include the name and DUNS number of your company in your submittal and e-mail your response to this request to
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The 2023 Renewable Content Calculator is available on the Labeling of Electricity page of the ERCOT website.
For more information on PUCT Substantive Rule 25.476 please visit the Electric Substantive Rules page of the PUCT’s website.
Please review the ERCOT website for previous Market Notices related to this subject.
CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at
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