2/28/25, 2:11 PM
W-B022825-01 Extreme Hot Weather Operating Limitations to Resource Entities
NOTICE DATE: February 28, 2025
NOTICE TYPE: W-B022825-01 Operations
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Extreme Hot Weather Operating Limitations to Resource Entities
INTENDED AUDIENCE: Resource Entities that own or control Generation Resources and Energy Storage Resources
DAY AFFECTED: March 31, 2025
LONG DESCRIPTION: ERCOT is issuing a request for Resource Entities (REs) to review and update their hot weather temperature limits and alternate fuel capabilities for their Resources in the Resource Integration and Ongoing Operations (RIOO) application. This request is associated with the documented data specification within ERCOT Nodal Protocols Section 3.10.6 as required by NERC Reliability Standards TOP-003-5 and IRO-010-4. ERCOT will use this information to perform its analysis functions as appropriate.
ERCOT is requesting that each RE review its hot weather operating limits and alternate fuel capabilities within RIOO, which is currently populated with the previously provided limits and capabilities. REs are required to update their hot weather operating limits or indicate “all entered temperature values are unchanged” within RIOO by submitting a Resource System Change Request (RSCR) using the change type of Operating Temps/Alt Fuel prior to or on March 31, 2025.
Changes submitted into the RIOO application must be given a Production Load Date (PLD). The following table should be used to determine the PLD:
Submissions Prior To: |
Production Load Date: |
March 20th, 2025 |
April 9th, 2025 |
March 27th, 2025 |
April 16th, 2025 |
April 3rd, 2025 |
April 23rd, 2025 |
Under 16 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) § 25.503(f)(8), "a market entity has an obligation to provide accurate and factual information . . . in any communication with ERCOT or with the commission . . . ," and 16 TAC § 25.503(f)(10) requires Market Participants to "comply with requests for information or data by ERCOT . . . within the time specified by ERCOT instructions . . . ." Consequently, responses should be as accurate as possible and should be provided in a timely manner.
ACTION REQUIRED: REs must review and update hot weather operating limits and alternate fuel capabilities within RIOO no later than March 31, 2025.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Under ERCOT Nodal Protocols Section 3.10.6(4), REs are required to review their historical operating temperature limits annually and update them within 30 days of identifying any changes. REs are also required to review their design and engineering temperature limits at least once every seven years and update those temperature limits within 30 days of identifying any changes, as required by ERCOT Nodal Protocols Section 3.10.6(5). Furthermore, ERCOT Nodal Protocols Section 3.10.6(6) requires REs to update their alternate fuel information within 30 days of any changes to the information.
Additionally, the requested information is part of ERCOT's IRO-010-4 and TOP-003-5 documented specification for data and information necessary to perform Balancing Authority analysis functions, Operational Planning Analyses, Real-time monitoring, and Real-time Assessments. All NERC-registered Generator Owners in the ERCOT Region are copied on this Market Notice as a notification of the requirement to provide this information in full by the due date.
CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at
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