
9/20/22, 10:56 AM

M-D022522-03 Reminder: Invoicing of PURA Subchapter N Securitization Uplift Charge Reallocation Invoices

NOTICE DATE:  September 20, 2022

NOTICE TYPE:  M-D022522-03 Settlements

SHORT DESCRIPTION:  Reminder: Invoicing of PURA Subchapter N Securitization Uplift Charge Reallocation Invoices


DAY AFFECTED:  September 20, 2022

LONG DESCRIPTION:  Today, ERCOT is posting the first Securitization Uplift Charge Reallocation Invoices in accordance with ERCOT Protocols Section 27.4.2.  Payments for the Securitization Uplift Charge Reallocation Invoices will be due by 1700 CPT on September 22, 2022 in accordance with ERCOT Protocols Section  All Securitization Uplift Charge Reallocation Invoices must be paid to ERCOT in US Dollars by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) to the Market Invoice bank account listed on the Invoice.

The invoices will be published on the Market Information System (MIS) Securitization Uplift Charge Invoices link (EMIL ID: NP27-411-SG, Report Type ID: 21119) on the Markets, Settlements page.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: NPRR1114 and associated documents can be found on the ERCOT website. 

CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at

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