
6/22/22, 4:19 PM

M-A062222-01 Disbursement of PURA Chapter 39, Subchapter N bond proceeds and Obligated LSE reporting requirements

NOTICE DATE: June 22, 2022

NOTICE TYPE: M-A062222-01 Legal

SHORT DESCRIPTION:  Disbursement of PURA Chapter 39, Subchapter N bond proceeds and Obligated LSE reporting requirements

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Market Participants

DAYS AFFECTED: June 22, 2022 and thereafter

LONG DESCRIPTION:  In accordance with the provisions of Texas Public Utility Regulatory Act (PURA) Chapter 39, Subchapter N and the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) Debt Obligation Order issued in Docket No. 52322, Application of Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. for a Debt Obligation Order Pursuant to Chapter 39, Subchapter N of the Public Utility Regulatory Act, the special purpose entity, Texas Electric Market Stabilization Funding N LLC, has issued Subchapter N Bonds totaling approximately $2.1 billion. For detail of the Subchapter N Bonds' tranches and final pricing, see M-A060822-02.

On June 21, 2022, ERCOT posted the associated Miscellaneous Invoices for the disbursement of the Subchapter N Bonds proceeds.  Today, June 22, 2022, ERCOT is disbursing the Subchapter N Bonds proceeds to Obligated LSEs via their designated Responsible QSEs.  Pending further direction from the PUCT, no disbursement will be made to Obligated LSEs that are no longer an ERCOT wholesale market participant or that failed to timely file a verification of their exposure in PUCT Project No. 52364.

As discussed in the June 14, 2022 PUCT Staff memorandum filed in PUCT Docket No. 52710, Compliance Filing for Docket No. 52322 (Application of Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc for a Debt Obligation Order Pursuant to Chapter 39, Subchapter N, of the Public Utility Regulatory Act), each Obligated LSE is required to complete and submit the attached attestation to ERCOT by July 6, 2022 which is 14 days after this Market Notice.  Completed attestations must be emailed to with a subject line that includes the name of the Obligated LSE and the phrase “PURA Chapter 39, Subchapter N LSE Attestation.” 

Thereafter, by July 22, 2022, ERCOT will file a report in PUCT Project No. 53710, Project to Monitor Distribution and Usage of PURA Chapter 39, Subchapter N Proceeds, informing the PUCT of which Obligated LSEs failed to timely submit to ERCOT the required attestation and which LSEs failed to provide some or all of the required information.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Additional information regarding securitization can be found at this page on the ERCOT website. 

CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at

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