Withdrawn Nodal Operating Guide Revision Requests (NOGRRs)
# Title Description Date Posted Sponsor Urgent Protocol Sections Current Status Effective Date(s)
NOGRR065 Authorize ERCOT to Procure Additional RRS During Severe Cold Weather This Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) aligns with NPRR336, Authorize ERCOT to Procure Additional RRS During Severe Cold Weather, which proposes to allow ERCOT to procure additional Responsive Reserve (RRS) during cold weather conditions. 03/09/2011 TNMP No 4.2.3 Withdrawn
NOGRR073 Entity Responsible for Load Shed During EEA Level 3 This Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) clarifies who is responsible to shed Load during an Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Level 3 event. This NOGRR also clarifies that ERCOT is responsible for directing Load shedding. 05/17/2011 Frank Owens on Behalf of Nodal Protocol and Guides Resolution Task Force (NPGRTF) No Withdrawn
NOGRR078 Real-Time Security Analysis Language Clean Up to Reconcile Operating Guides with Current Operation Practice This NOGRR clarifies that the only security analysis studies that remain in the Nodal Operating Guides are the Real-Time security studies (given that Outage Planning is now covered in Protocol Section and Transmission Planning is now covered in Planning Guide Section 4, Transmission Planning Criteria); and modifies the language to match current ERCOT Operations practice related to which contingencies are enforced in Real-Time operations. 09/07/2011 Luminant Energy No 1.4, 2.2.2 Withdrawn
NOGRR099 SPS Procedure Changes for Consistency with NERC Reliability Standards This Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) removes the Protection System Misoperation Report format and procedural references and adds references to reporting per Texas RE procedure(s). 05/30/2012 NPGRTF Yes 6.2.2, 6.2.3, 8B Withdrawn
NOGRR104 Removal of Transmission Operator Definition From the Nodal Operating Guide This Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) proposes deleting the definition of "Transmission Operator" from the Nodal Operating Guides. 10/10/2012 ERCOT No 1.4 Withdrawn
NOGRR106 Delegation of Firm Load Shedding Responsibility This Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) clarifies that a Distribution Service Provider (DSP) may make an agreement with another Entity that delegates the responsibility for managing both automatic and Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) firm Load shed. 10/30/2012 Bryan Texas Utilities No 2.6.1, 4.5.3 Withdrawn
NOGRR126 Deletion of the Regulatory Required Incident and Disturbance Reports This Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) removes the regulation reporting requirements from the Operating Guides. 12/16/2013 ERCOT No 3.2.3 Withdrawn
NOGRR157 Administrative Changes for June 1, 2016 Nodal Operating Guides – Load Shed Table This Administrative Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) updates the ERCOT Load Shed Table for 2016. Administrative changes to the Load Shed Table are allowed under Section 1.3.1, Introduction. 05/16/2016 ERCOT No Withdrawn
NOGRR190 Related to NPRR937, Distribution Voltage Level Block Load Transfer (BLT) Deployment This Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) would allow distribution voltage level Block Load Transfer (BLT) firm Load deployed in Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Level 2 to count toward the appropriate Transmission Service Provider’s (TSP’s) or Distribution Service Provider’s (DSP’s) firm Level 3 Load shed obligations under EEA Level 3. 04/26/2019 Golden Spread Electric Cooperative No Withdrawn
NOGRR256 Related to NPRR1191, Registration, Interconnection, and Operation of Customers with Large Loads; Information Required of Customers with Loads 25 MW or Greater This Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) establishes voltage ride-through requirements for Large Loads and Load-shedding processes for Large Loads that are registered as Registered Curtailable Loads. 08/01/2023 ERCOT No 2.11 (new),, (new), and Withdrawn