Pending Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs)
# Title Description Date Posted Sponsor Urgent Protocol Sections Current Status Effective Date(s)
NPRR956 Designation of Providers of Transmission Additions This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) modifies Section to align with section 37.056 of the Texas Utilities Code, as amended by SB1938 86(R), which became effective on May 16, 2019. As amended, section 37.056 authorizes the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) to grant a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) only to a Transmission Service Provider (TSP) that owns the Facilities to which a proposed Transmission Facility addition will interconnect, or to the lawful designee of such a TSP. If more than one TSP owns Facilities to which a proposed addition will interconnect, the PUCT may issue a CCN to each such TSP to construct the needed Facilities in “separate and discrete equal parts,” unless the TSPs agree to a different allocation of responsibility. SB1938’s allocation of project responsibility based on ownership of the Facilities to which an addition interconnects is consistent with the Protocols’ longstanding assignment of responsibility based on ownership of the Facility endpoints. For the sake of consistency, however, ERCOT proposes to revise Section to more closely comport with the language of the statute. ERCOT notes that revised Section applies not only to those projects requiring a CCN, but also to other Tier 1 projects that may not require a CCN and therefore do not come within the coverage of section 37.056. This is consistent with the Protocols’ existing allocation rules, which have long assigned responsibility for all Tier 1 and 2 projects. ERCOT proposes to incorporate section 37.056’s assignment rules into a new paragraph (2). ERCOT proposes to modify paragraph (1) to recognize that ERCOT’s role, upon completing an independent review, is simply to identify the owners of the existing facilities, rather than to formally designate transmission providers. ERCOT also proposes to remove language from paragraph (1) which contemplates that ERCOT may determine project responsibility in the event of a disagreement between TSPs and may assign responsibility to a new TSP when the originally assigned TSP has not diligently pursued the project. Both of these provisions are inconsistent with SB1938, which contemplates no such role for ERCOT. ERCOT also proposes new paragraph (3), which would establish an explicit mandate that the TSP diligenty pursue the project. Although such a mandate is already implicit in provisions that establish the designation of providers, ERCOT suggests that stating this more explicitly will provide greater transparency that responsibility for a project entails a duty to pursue the completion of that project. ERCOT notes that “TSP” as used in the Protocols includes Municipally Owned Utilities (MOUs) and Electric Cooperatives (ECs). Finally, ERCOT proposes revisions to Section, Regional Planning Group Acceptance and ERCOT Endorsement, to provide that ERCOT will issue a Market Notice instead of sending an acceptance letter or endorsement letter, following Regional Planning Group (RPG) acceptance of Tier 3 projects, and ERCOT’s endorsement of Tier 1 and Tier 2 projects. This change will ensure that all TSPs (and other Market Participants) receive documentation showing completion of the ERCOT review process. ERCOT notes that because SB1938 is already effective, ERCOT must comply with the amended statute irrespective of the status of this NPRR. Thus, to the limited extent ERCOT’s existing Protocols conflict with the statute, ERCOT is already precluded from complying with those provisions. ERCOT is currently developing independent review reports for several projects and will ensure that its processes comport with the amended statute as it develops those reports over the next few months. 07/02/2019 ERCOT No,, Pending
NPRR1070 Planning Criteria for GTC Exit Solutions This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) will improve ERCOT planning modeling assumptions to more accurately reflect operations of the ERCOT market and include indirect benefits as allowed by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) when evaluating exit alternatives for Generic Transmission Constraints (GTCs). 03/05/2021 EDF Renewables / Pattern Energy No 3.11.2 Pending
NPRR1190 High Dispatch Limit Override Provision for Increased Load Serving Entity Costs This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) adds a provision for recovery of a demonstrable financial loss arising from a manual High Dispatch Limit (HDL) override to reduce real power output, in the case when that output is intended to meet Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE) Load obligations. 07/26/2023 Joint Sponsors No 3.8.1 and Pending
NPRR1202 Refundable Deposits for Large Load Interconnection Studies This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) directs ERCOT to charge refundable deposits to Entities that request a Large Load Interconnection Study (LLIS). 09/22/2023 Lancium Pending 2.1, 3.24 (new), and ERCOT Fee Schedule Pending
NPRR1214 Reliability Deployment Price Adder Fix to Provide Locational Price Signals, Reduce Uplift and Risk This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) revises the Real-Time On-Line Reliability Deployment Price Adder (RTRDPA) to: send appropriate locational price signals to avoid counterproductive Load and Resource responses to RTRDPA price signals under Real-Time Co-optimization (RTC); limit Resource payment to the actual “indifference payment” (consistent with its definition), thereby reducing associated uplift by eliminating the future need for RTRDPA payments to Resources that exacerbate constraints and eliminating payments to available capacity not requiring an indifference payment; eliminate any future need for the Ancillary Service Imbalance Payments or Charges (ASIP/C) type of indifference payment associated with RTRDPA, thereby reducing the risk associated with providing Ancillary Services; provide Resources an indifference payment under RTC to eliminate the potentially large incentive to ignore Base Point instructions that would likely cause serious reliability issues; and provide a stronger locational price signal around Resources committed by the Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC) process or other reliability actions for congestion, thereby reducing RUC Make-Whole Payment-related charges and uplifts and appropriately compensating impacted Qualified Scheduling Entities (QSEs). 12/07/2023 Joint Sponsors No,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6.7.5, 6.7.6, 6.9 (new), 6.9.1 (new), 6.9.2 (new), and 9.5.3 Pending
NPRR1226 Estimated Demand Response Data This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) directs ERCOT to prepare and publish estimated Demand response data showing aggregated State Estimated Load (SEL) load points selected by ERCOT. The selection of Loads to be aggregated for the report will be based on periodically updated off-line analysis of the frequency and magnitude of reductions observed in historical State Estimator load data that is associated with market signals such as Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs), high levels of summer month ERCOT load, ERCOT-wide appeal(s) through public voluntary energy appeal, or other ERCOT actions. 04/23/2024 ERCOT Steel Mills No 2.1, 2.2, 6.3.2, and Pending
NPRR1229 Real-Time Constraint Management Plan Cost Recovery Payment This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) creates a process that compensates a QSE when a CMP or ERCOT-directed switching instruction implemented by ERCOT causes the trip of a Generation Resource when it would not have occurred absent those conditions. 05/06/2024 STEC No (new), (new), (new), and 9.5.3 Pending
NPRR1234 Interconnection Requirements for Large Loads and Modeling Standards for Loads 25 MW or Greater This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) and the related PGRR establish interconnection and modeling requirements for “Large Loads”—defined in this NPRR to refer to one or more Facilities at a single site with an aggregate peak power Demand of 75 MW or more. ERCOT proposes these requirements based upon its experience with the interim large Load interconnection process implemented on March 25, 2022, analysis of operational events, and the discussion of various issues concerning Large Loads explored by the Large Flexible Load Task Force (LFLTF). Additionally, this NPRR facilitates the addition of a new study process for Large Loads seeking to interconnect to the ERCOT system. This process is described in the accompanying PGRR. This NPRR also adds a requirement that any Resource Entity that adds 20 MW or more of Load at any site with an existing Generation Resource shall submit a new Reactive Power study. The study must demonstrate the continued compliance of the Generation Resource with Voltage Support Service (VSS) requirements. This NPRR also establishes specific Subsynchronous Oscillation (SSO) requirements for Large Loads and revises and supplements SSO-related definitions, in addition to clarifying existing SSO requirements. Furthermore, although the primary focus of this NPRR is Loads that are 75 MW or larger, this NPRR also establishes new standards for the identification and classification of a site with an aggregate peak Demand of 25 MW or more at a common substation in ERCOT Network Operations Model. Such information will provide ERCOT visibility of the locations of these Loads for operational and planning purposes. Finally, this NPRR adds a fee for Large Load Interconnection Study Requests to the ERCOT Fee Schedule. 05/28/2024 ERCOT No 2.1, 2.2, 3.1.1,, 3.3.2,,,, 3.15, 3.15.3, 3.22, 3.22.1,,,, (new),, 3.22.2, 3.22.3, 16.5, and ERCOT Fee Schedule Pending
NPRR1235 Dispatchable Reliability Reserve Service as a Stand-Alone Ancillary Service This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) develops a stand-alone Dispatchable Reliability Reserve Service (DRRS) product that includes the following functionality: DRRS is added to the Protocols on top of Real-Time Co-optimization (RTC) and Energy Storage Resource (ESR) single-model Protocols; DRRS is offered, awarded, and paid in the Day-Ahead Market (DAM). DRRS is not co-optimized in the Real-Time Market (RTM); DRRS can be-self arranged and traded. However, there are no DRRS-only offers (i.e., virtual DRRS offers) allowed, as DRRS will not be co-optimized in Real-Time; DRRS can be provided by Off-Line Generation Resources; a new Resource Status code will be developed for Resources with an Ancillary Service Resource Responsibility for DRRS that have not been deployed by ERCOT; When looking to commit capacity during the Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC) process, RUC will give priority to committing Off-Line Generation Resources providing DRRS. This is accomplished because Off-Line DRRS Resources will appear to have lower start-up and minimum energy costs relative to other Off-Line Generation Resources in the RUC optimization; DRRS will have a failure-to-provide Settlement for Qualified Scheduling Entities (QSEs) that do not sufficiently preserve Resource capability for providing DRRS within their portfolio; DRRS deployments will be included in the Reliability Deployment Price Adder process, in alignment with other existing Protocol language for similar deployments; and QSEs that are short on their DRRS Supply Responsibility at the time of a RUC instruction will be allocated a portion of any RUC Make Whole charges prior to allocating those costs to the QSEs that are RUC Capacity Short. 05/29/2024 ERCOT No 2.1, 2.2, 3.2.3, 3.9.1, 3.17.5 (new), 3.18,,,, 4.4.12, 4.5.1,,, (new), (new),, 5.5.2, 5.6.2, 5.7.1,,, 5.7.2, 5.7.4, (new),, (new), (new),,, 6.1,,,, (new), 6.7.4 (new), (new), (new), 6.7.4, (new), (new), 9.2.3, 9.5.3, 9.14.10, and Pending
NPRR1238 Registration of Loads with Curtailable Load Capabilities This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) introduces a new category of Early Curtailment Load (ECL) and establishes a process by which Loads may operate as an ECL so that they can be accounted for differently in Load shed tables than other Loads. 06/26/2024 Golden Spread Electric Cooperative No 2.1, 2.2,,,, 16.20 (new), 23T (new) Pending
NPRR1241 Firm Fuel Supply Service (FFSS) Availability and Hourly Standby Fee This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) provides equity and clarity surrounding the hourly standby fee claw backs for Firm Fuel Supply Service (FFSS) during a Watch for winter weather using a sliding scale approach. 07/19/2024 Luminant No Pending
NPRR1255 Introduction of Mitigation of ESRs This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) introduces Mitigated Offer Cap (MOC) curves below the System-Wide Offer Cap (SWCAP) for Energy Storage Resources (ESRs) when the Resource, through its Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE), has the potential to exploit market power, as evaluated in the Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) Constraint Competitiveness Test (CCT) process. 10/02/2024 ERCOT No 3.8.5, Pending
NPRR1256 Settlement of MRA of ESRs This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) changes language in select provisions in Section 6, Adjustment Period and Real-Time Operations, related to Must-Run Alternatives (MRAs) primarily in grey-boxed language from NPRR885, Must-Run Alternative (MRA) Details and Revisions Resulting from PUCT Project No. 46369, Rulemaking Relating to Reliability Must-Run Service, in order to align the terminology for Energy Storage Resources (ESRs) for the single-model era and specify how Qualified Scheduling Entities (QSEs) representing ESR MRAs would be settled for the provision of MRA Service. The Settlement changes reflect that ESR MRAs would not have fuel costs, but would have costs associated with charging. 10/14/2024 ERCOT No,, and Pending
NPRR1262 Ancillary Service Opt Out Clarification This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) clarifies the ability for a Resource providing Ancillary Services to opt out of that provision. 11/19/2024 Cholla Petroleum No Pending
NPRR1263 Remove Accuracy Testing Requirements for CCVTs This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) removes the accuracy testing requirements for Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers (CCVTs). 12/12/2024 WETT No Pending
NPRR1264 Creation of a New Energy Attribute Certificate Program This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) introduces the concept of Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) and makes Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) a subcategory of EACs. EACs can be earned by any generator, regardless of fuel type. By introducing EACs, this NPRR also allows all generators, such as energy storage generators, nuclear generators, or other generators to participate in the program, and add specificity to their attributes so buyers and sellers know what they are transacting. To add value to the EAC program, this NPRR creates a new category of participants – third-party certification programs. EAC Account Holders may use these third parties to provide documentation to ERCOT and other Market Participants about how they charged energy storage devices, provided fuel for generators, or met certain operational characteristics to be determined by Market Participants. This NPRR also allows ERCOT to allow a third-party administrator to administer the program. Finally, this NPRR adds a robust programmatic interface to EAC trading and accounting. 12/19/2024 Texas Energy Buyers Alliance (TEBA) No, 2.1, 2.2, 14, 14.1, 14.2, 14.2.1, 14.3, 14.3.1, 14.3.2, 14.4, 14.5.1, 14.5.2 (delete), 14.5.3 (delete), 14.6, 14.6.2 (delete), 14.7, 14.8, 14.9, 14.9.1 (delete), 14.9.2 (delete), 14.9.3 (delete), (delete), 14.9.4 (delete), 14.9.5 (delete), 14.10, 14.10.1 (delete), 14.10.2 (delete), 14.10.3 (delete), 14.11 (delete), 14.12, 14.12 (new), 14.13, 16.7, 21.2, 22A, 22C Pending
NPRR1265 Unregistered Distributed Generator This Nodal Protocol Provision (NPRR) implements procedures for Distributed Generation (DG) reporting provided in House Bill 3390 (HB 3390). Specifically, this NPRR clarifies the definition of “Distributed Generation (DG)” and defines a new term, “Unregistered Distributed Generators (UDG).” Additionally, this NPRR establishes procedures for UDG reporting to ERCOT and UDG reporting requirements from ERCOT. Lastly, this NPRR reconciles references to DG to UDG where the term UDG is now appropriate. 12/26/2024 ERCOT No 2.1, 2.2,, (delete),, 10.2.2,,, 16.5, 18.2,, and Pending
NPRR1266 Opt-Out Status Held by a Transmission-Voltage Customer Cannot be Transferred This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) adds a statement that a transmission-voltage Customer that is a Securitization Uplift Charge Opt-Out Entity may not transfer its status as a Securitization Uplift Charge Opt-Out Entity to other entities. Additionally, this NPRR adds a new requirement that a Transmission Service Provider (TSP) associated with an Electric Service Identifier (ESI ID) originally granted opt-out status must, on at least a monthly basis, compare the customer names of those transmission-voltage Customers originally granted opt-out status, determine if any of the names associated with those ESI IDs have changed, and inform ERCOT of any such changes identified. This TSP requirement excludes TSPs that are themselves Securitization Uplift Charge Opt-Out Entities. 12/31/2024 ERCOT No 27.3 Pending
NPRR1267 Large Load Interconnection Status Report This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) requires the publication of a large load interconnection status report. It is intentionally not defining “Large Load” to leave that to NPRR1234, Interconnection Requirements for Large Loads and Modeling Standards for Loads 25 MW or Greater. However, Customer information, including large load information, is owned by the Customer and is therefore confidential so the information on large loads must be aggregated. 01/08/2025 Joint Sponsors No 3.2.7 (new) Pending
NPRR1268 RTC – Modification of Ancillary Service Demand Curves This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) defines a methodology for disaggregating the Operating Reserve Demand Curve (ORDC), creating “blended” Ancillary Service Demand Curves (ASDCs). 01/28/2025 IMM Yes 4.4.12, 4.5.1,, and 22P Pending
NPRR1269 RTC+B Three Parameters Policy Issues This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) determines and codifies a group of policy changes that were deferred from the original Real-Time Co-optimization (RTC)-related Protocols developed in 2020. The three policy concepts below have been developed in coordination with the RTC + Batteries Task Force (RTCBTF): parameters for Ancillary Service proxy offers floors; scaling factor values for ramping; and Ancillary Service Demand Curves (ASDCs) for use in Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC) studies. 01/28/2025 ERCOT Yes 4.4.12, 5.5.2 and Pending
NPRR1270 Additional Revisions Required for Implementation of RTC This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR): Updates requirements for Load Resources that are changing under Real-Time Co-optimization (RTC) and were not updated in earlier revisions; removes language associated with Group assignments in the Day-Ahead Market (DAM); deployments are Resource-specific based on Real-Time awards; no requirement to return to service in three hours as that capacity will be replaced with awarded capacity in Real-Time; eliminates the automatic qualification of all Resources to provide On-Line Non-Spinning Reserve (Non-Spin) and Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED)-dispatchable ERCOT Contingency Reserve Service (ECRS). Resources will be required to undergo a qualification test to provide each of these services; and adds additional pre-processing checks in the SCED process to validate Ancillary Service capability telemetry that are sent by Qualified Scheduling Entities (QSEs). 01/28/2025 ERCOT Yes,,,,, and Pending
NPRR1271 Revision to User Security Administrator and Digital Certificates Opt-out Eligibility This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) allows Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE), which is registered with ERCOT as a Transmission and/or Distribution Service Provider (TDSP), Load Serving Entity (LSE), and Resource Entity, to opt out of the requirement to designate a User Security Administrator (USA) and receive Digital Certificates. 01/28/2025 ERCOT No 16.12 Pending
NPRR1272 Voltage Support at Private Use Networks This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) clarifies that Section 3.15 should be applied to require ERCOT to independently evaluate the Reactive Power requirements of Generation Resources excluding the effects of co-located retail load. As such, any Generation Resources that meet the requirements of the Protocols as standalone Generation Resources shall not have additional Reactive Power requirements imposed as a result of co-locating with load. Further, the language clarifies that the onsite load must also comply with the power factor requirements for retail Customers in the applicable tariff for retail delivery service. 02/05/2025 Occidental Chemical Corporation Pending 3.15 Pending
NPRR1273 Appropriate Accounting for ESRs in PRC Calculation This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) modifies the capacity from Energy Storage Resources (ESRs) included in the calculation of PRC to be the amount that can be sustained for 45 minutes. 02/12/2025 ERCOT Yes Pending
NPRR1274 RPG Estimated Capital Cost Thresholds of Proposed Transmission Projects This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) updates the estimated capital cost for the tier classification rules used for the Regional Planning Group (RPG) process. 02/25/2025 ERCOT No Pending
NPRR1275 Expansion of Qualifying Pipeline Definition for Firm Fuel Supply Service in Phase 3 This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) replaces the definition for Firm Fuel Supply Service (FFSS) Qualifying Pipeline with the definition recommended by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) in NPRR1169, Expansion of Generation Resources Qualified to Provide Firm Fuel Supply Service in Phase 2 of the Service. 02/25/2025 ERCOT No 2.1 Pending
NPRR1276 Move OBD to Section 22 – Emergency Response Service Procurement Methodology This NPRR incorporates the Other Binding Document “Emergency Response Service Procurement Methodology” into the Protocols to standardize the approval process. 03/10/2025 ERCOT No and Section 22 Attachment Q (new) Pending
NPRR1277 Revisions to EAL Formula This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) revises the Minimum Current Exposure (MCE) and Estimate Aggregate Liability (EAL) formulas, as endorsed by the Credit Finance Sub Group (CFSG) on December 19, 2024. The proposed EAL formula revisions include: applying the Real-Time Forward Adjustment Factor (RFAF) against the respective days’ Real-Time Liability Estimated (RTLE) and then taking the max over the lookback period; and introducing seasonal variability in the look-back period as it is applied for RTLE: 40 days from May 16 through Sep 15 (summer months) and 20 days from Sep 16 through May 15 (non-summer months). The look-back period does not change for traders. The proposed MCE formula revision includes increasing the number of days from 1 day to 2 days for load entities for the purposes of calculating MCE. 03/18/2025 ERCOT No and Pending