This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) revises the Minimum Current Exposure (MCE) and Estimate Aggregate Liability (EAL) formulas, as endorsed by the Credit Finance Sub Group (CFSG) on December 19, 2024. The proposed EAL formula revisions include: applying the Real-Time Forward Adjustment Factor (RFAF) against the respective days’ Real-Time Liability Estimated (RTLE) and then taking the max over the lookback period; and introducing seasonal variability in the look-back period as it is applied for RTLE: 40 days from May 16 through Sep 15 (summer months) and 20 days from Sep 16 through May 15 (non-summer months). The look-back period does not change for traders. The proposed MCE formula revision includes increasing the number of days from 1 day to 2 days for load entities for the purposes of calculating MCE.