Inverter-Based Resource Working Group

The Inverter-Based Resource Working Group (IBRWG) is a working group reporting to the Reliability and Operations Subcommittee (ROS). The purpose of the Inverter-Based Resource Work Group (IBRWG) is to explore the performance characteristics Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs) directly connected to the ERCOT System. IBRs make up a significant portion of ERCOT Generation Resources today, and are forecasted to rapidly increase even further and become the dominant resource technology on the ERCOT System. IBR technology differences may at times necessitate different requirements, testing, and/or performance monitoring to guide new technology or identify and correct performance deficiencies to ensure reliable operations  Coordination and comprehensive expertise from generation owners/operators, transmission owners/operators, IBR vendors/original equipment manufacturers (“OEMs”), and ERCOT is needed to provide comprehensive guidance, requirements and issue mitigation.

Several events have occurred in the last 10 years both in ERCOT and other electric grids that highlight the need to address reliability risks.  This working group  will build off of the experience​ and lessons learned from IBR related events. The working group will also review recommendations from NERC Reliability Guidelines, NERC event reports, and ERCOT event analysis. Recommended performance characteristics will be developed along with other recommendations related to IBR performance, analysis, and modeling. Any technical materials created are intended to support the utility industry, Resource Entities with IBRs, and OEMs by clearly articulating recommended performance characteristics, ensuring reliability through detailed system studies, and ensuring dynamic modeling capability and practices that support reliability.

Open meetings are open to the public. To participate in closed meetings, the appropriate ERCOT Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) must me be signed and approved by ERCOT. Contact ERCOT Legal at nda@ercot.com to ask questions or obtain a copy of the ERCOT NDA.

All previous documents and information for the Inverter-Based Resource Task Force (IBRTF) that was replaced with this working group can be found here: Inverter-Based Resource Task Force 

Contact Information

Chair:  Julia Matevosyan

Vice Chair:  Miguel Cova Acosta

!  Send an email to this group: ibrwg@lists.ercot.com or Subscribe to this email list.

Key Documents

Jul 14, 2023 - docx - 23.2 KB