Production Load Schedule

ERCOT Protocols broadly delineate modeling requirements for different segments of the ERCOT market. The information on this page is intended to more clearly define the expectations ERCOT has for market participants, as they help to maintain the accuracy of the ERCOT Network Operations Model (NOM) through the submission of model and outage data.

The table at the bottom represents a schedule of planned updates to the ERCOT NOM through the Network Model Management System (NMMS) in accordance with Nodal Protocol Section 3.10. Each row of dates is in support of a planned Production Load. This calendar is applicable to all network topology, registered Resource parameter, QSE-to-Resource relationship and telemetry changes submitted by Transmission Service Providers (TSPs), Resource Entities (REs), and Qualified Scheduling Entities (QSEs). Refer to the  Modeling Expectations document for additional information on NOM update process.

Interim Updates

Network Operations Model Change Requests (NOMCRs) that are submitted outside of the normal timelines are classified as Interim Updates and included in the Network Model if they are needed to correct unintentional modeling inconsistencies, are required for system restoration after a storm or are a correction to previously submitted impedances or ratings. Interim Updates will be reported to the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) Staff and the Independent Market Monitor (IMM).

Interim Updates Restriction List

Items removed from interim update consideration (submittal deadline of Protocol 3.10.1 timeline applies): *

  1. New topological changes for field transitions requiring Existing/Future modeling in the same CIM model where Contingencies need to be created and managed in ERCOT’s model(s) for the time of field transition
  2. New substations with Line-Breakers (or substation Breaker/Line reconfiguration)
  3. New physical Lines
  4. New Transformers
  5. TSP equipment for new Generation with coordinated model-ready date
  6. Synchronous Condenser
  7. Items requiring Resource Node additions/modifications

Interim items considered for processing, if meeting the 65 Calendar Days prior to Production Load submittal deadline: *

  1. New Tap Station (No Line controlling Breakers)
  2. New Shunt Compensator
  3. New SVCs

Interim items considered for processing, if meeting the 20 Calendar Days prior to Production Load submittal deadline: *

  1. Field vs Model Cleanup (Only Deletes)
  2. New Loads (with controlling Breaker if applicable)

* Exceptions

  1. If needed to avoid a reliability risk in the ERCOT grid, and if in a timeframe that is less than the submittal deadline listed above, the MP shall provide, as an attachment to the change request (NOMCR, CAMR, or ICR), 1) the TSP Interim Update Request Form or the RE Interim Update Request Form and 2) supporting information of a reliability risk for consideration, involving these change items, that demonstrates the change relieves a reliability concern.
  2. In an ERCOT declared Emergency, Interim Update restrictions may be temporarily waived.

Downstream Production Changes 

For an applicable model change that is considered a Downstream Production Change (DPC) per the Modeling Expectations, the MP shall provide as an attachment to the change request the TSP DPC Request Form and RE DPC Request Form.

Telemetry Points Updates

ERCOT Protocols consider telemetry point additions and changes submitted 20 days prior to the Production Load as non-interim updates. Protocols allow ERCOT five days to process NOMCR requests. ICCP data must be in compliance with the ERCOT Nodal ICCP Communication Handbook in accordance with Nodal Operating Guide Section 7.2, ERCOT ICCP Interface and Section 7.3, Telemetry.

QSE NDCRC Submittals

The Net Dependable Capability and Reactive Capability (NDCRC) application allows QSEs with Generation Resources to submit the ERCOT required seasonal High Sustained Limit (HSL), biennial unit reactive tests and results of the unannounced tests online, as well as other test data. Such revisions must also be submitted through a Resource Asset Registration Form (RARF) by the RE in order to be uploaded into the NOM. When submitting RARF with updated unit test data, the RE is to note this on Service Request.

Deadline for Model Change>
(Submitted Before)
This date is the 90-day cut-off for submittal of network topology and Resource parameter changes that will not be considered as Interim Update. ERCOT request that registration of a NEW Generation Resource, required to be represented in the NOM, be submitted beginning 120 days prior to the first Operating Day of the interconnection. Refer to the Resource Integration page for further details. 
ICCP and Relationship Notice The RE and associated QSE are encouraged to coordinate changes in relationships according to the dates listed under the column heading "ICCP and Relationship Notice" of the schedule below. The RE and QSE are to refer to the Production Load Schedule when establishing an effective date when a new Resource interconnection is first energized, when a new QSE first represents a Resource or when a Resource changes a QSE.
Market Validation End Date Operational Models undergo Initial Validation and are posted to ERCOT MIS for Market Validation at the start of this period. The CRR Auction corresponds with the completion of Market Validation. Final validation by ERCOT commences after this date before scheduled model load.
Production Load Date production ready NOM is loaded and used.
CIM Deadline for
Model Change
Submit Before:
Interim Period 2 Ends
(ICCP and Relationship)
Market Validation
End Date
Production Load
2025Jan.L1 10/1/2024 12/19/2024 12/15/2024 1/8/2025
2025Jan.L2 10/1/2024 12/26/2024 12/15/2024 1/15/2025
2025Jan.L3 10/1/2024 1/9/2025 12/15/2024 1/29/2025
2025Feb.L1 11/1/2024 1/16/2025 1/15/2025 2/5/2025
2025Feb.L2 11/1/2024 1/23/2025 1/15/2025 2/12/2025
2025Feb.L3 11/1/2024 1/30/2025 1/15/2025 2/19/2025
2025Feb.L4 11/1/2024 2/6/2025 1/15/2025 2/26/2025
2025Mar.L1 12/1/2024 2/13/2025 2/15/2025 3/5/2025
2025Mar.L2 12/1/2024 2/20/2025 2/15/2025 3/12/2025
2025Mar.L3 12/1/2024 2/27/2025 2/15/2025 3/19/2025
2025Mar.L4 12/1/2024 3/6/2025 2/15/2025 3/26/2025
2025Apr.L1 1/1/2025 3/13/2025 3/15/2025 4/2/2025
2025Apr.L2 1/1/2025 3/20/2025 3/15/2025 4/9/2025
2025Apr.L3 1/1/2025 3/27/2025 3/15/2025 4/16/2025
2025Apr.L4 1/1/2025 4/3/2025 3/15/2025 4/23/2025
2025May.L1 2/1/2025 4/11/2025 4/15/2025 5/1/2025
2025May.L2 2/1/2025 4/24/2025 4/15/2025 5/14/2025
2025May.L3 2/1/2025 5/1/2025 4/15/2025 5/21/2025
2025Jun.L1 3/1/2025 5/15/2025 5/15/2025 6/4/2025
2025Jun.L2 3/1/2025 5/22/2025 5/15/2025 6/11/2025
2025Jun.L3 3/1/2025 5/29/2025 5/15/2025 6/18/2025
2025Jun.L4 3/1/2025 6/5/2025 5/15/2025 6/25/2025
2025Jul.L1 4/1/2025 6/12/2025 6/15/2025 7/2/2025
2025Jul.L2 4/1/2025 6/26/2025 6/15/2025 7/16/2025
2025Jul.L3 4/1/2025 7/3/2025 6/15/2025 7/23/2025
2025Jul.L4 4/1/2025 7/10/2025 6/15/2025 7/30/2025
2025Aug.L1 5/1/2025 7/17/2025 7/15/2025 8/6/2025
2025Aug.L2 5/1/2025 7/24/2025 7/15/2025 8/13/2025
2025Aug.L3 5/1/2025 7/31/2025 7/15/2025 8/20/2025
2025Sep.L1 6/1/2025 8/15/2025 8/15/2025 9/4/2025
2025Sep.L2 6/1/2025 8/28/2025 8/15/2025 9/17/2025
2025Sep.L3 6/1/2025 9/4/2025 8/15/2025 9/24/2025
2025Oct.L1 7/1/2025 9/11/2025 9/15/2025 10/1/2025
2025Oct.L2 7/1/2025 9/18/2025 9/15/2025 10/8/2025
2025Oct.L3 7/1/2025 9/25/2025 9/15/2025 10/15/2025
2025Oct.L4 7/1/2025 10/2/2025 9/15/2025 10/22/2025
2025Oct.L5 7/1/2025 10/9/2025 9/15/2025 10/29/2025
2025Nov.L1 8/1/2025 10/16/2025 10/15/2025 11/5/2025
2025Nov.L2 8/1/2025 10/23/2025 10/15/2025 11/12/2025
2025Nov.L3 8/1/2025 10/30/2025 10/15/2025 11/19/2025
2025Dec.L1 9/1/2025 11/13/2025 11/15/2025 12/3/2025
2025Dec.L2 9/1/2025 11/20/2025 11/15/2025 12/10/2025
2025Dec.L3 9/1/2025 11/27/2025 11/15/2025 12/17/2025

CIM Deadline for
Model Change
Submit Before:
Interim Period 2 Ends
(ICCP and Relationship)
Market Validation
End Date
Production Load
2026Jan.L1 10/1/2025 12/11/2025 12/15/2025 1/7/2026
2026Jan.L2 10/1/2025 12/25/2025 12/15/2025 1/14/2026
2026Jan.L3 10/1/2025 1/8/2026 12/15/2025 1/28/2026
2026Feb.L1 11/1/2025 1/15/2026 1/15/2026 2/4/2026
2026Feb.L2 11/1/2025 1/22/2026 1/15/2026 2/11/2026
2026Feb.L3 11/1/2025 1/29/2026 1/15/2026 2/18/2026
2026Feb.L4 11/1/2025 2/5/2026 1/15/2026 2/25/2026
2026Mar.L1 12/1/2025 2/12/2026 2/15/2026 3/4/2026
2026Mar.L2 12/1/2025 2/19/2026 2/15/2026 3/11/2026
2026Mar.L3 12/1/2025 2/26/2026 2/15/2026 3/18/2026
2026Mar.L4 12/1/2025 3/5/2026 2/15/2026 3/25/2026
2026Apr.L1 1/1/2026 3/12/2026 3/15/2026 4/1/2026
2026Apr.L2 1/1/2026 3/19/2026 3/15/2026 4/8/2026
2026Apr.L3 1/1/2026 3/26/2026 3/15/2026 4/15/2026
2026Apr.L4 1/1/2026 4/2/2026 3/15/2026 4/22/2026
2026May.L1 2/1/2026 4/11/2026 4/15/2026 5/1/2026
2026May.L2 2/1/2026 4/23/2026 4/15/2026 5/13/2026
2026May.L3 2/1/2026 4/30/2026 4/15/2026 5/20/2026
2026Jun.L1 3/1/2026 5/14/2026 5/15/2026 6/3/2026
2026Jun.L2 3/1/2026 5/21/2026 5/15/2026 6/10/2026
2026Jun.L3 3/1/2026 5/28/2026 5/15/2026 6/17/2026
2026Jun.L4 3/1/2026 6/4/2026 5/15/2026 6/24/2026
2024Jul.L1 4/1/2026 6/11/2026 6/15/2026 7/1/2026
2026Jul.L2 4/1/2026 6/25/2026 6/15/2026 7/15/2026
2026Jul.L3 4/1/2026 7/2/2026 6/15/2026 7/22/2026
2026Jul.L4 4/1/2026 7/9/2026 6/15/2026 7/29/2026
2026Aug.L1 5/1/2026 7/16/2026 7/15/2026 8/5/2026
2026Aug.L2 5/1/2026 7/23/2026 7/15/2026 8/12/2026
2026Aug.L3 5/1/2026 7/30/2026 7/15/2026 8/19/2026
2026Aug.L4 5/1/2026 8/6/2026 7/15/2026 8/26/2026
2026Sep.L1 6/1/2026 8/13/2026 8/15/2026 9/2/2026
2026Sep.L2 6/1/2026 8/27/2026 8/15/2026 9/16/2026
2026Sep.L3 6/1/2026 9/3/2026 8/15/2026 9/23/2026
2026Oct.L1 7/1/2026 9/11/2026 9/15/2026 10/1/2026
2026Oct.L2 7/1/2026 9/24/2026 9/15/2026 10/14/2026
2026Oct.L3 7/1/2026 10/1/2026 9/15/2026 10/21/2026
2026Oct.L4 7/1/2026 10/8/2026 9/15/2026 10/28/2026
2026Nov.L1 8/1/2026 10/15/2026 10/15/2026 11/4/2026
2026Nov.L2 8/1/2026 10/22/2026 10/15/2026 11/11/2026
2026Nov.L3 8/1/2026 10/29/2026 10/15/2026 11/18/2026
2026Dec.L1 9/1/2026 11/12/2026 11/15/2026 12/2/2026
2026Dec.L2 9/1/2026 11/19/2026 11/15/2026 12/9/2026
2026Dec.L3 9/1/2026 11/26/2026 11/15/2026 12/16/2026