Pilot Projects

ERCOT may identify a need to conduct pilot projects for the purpose of studying new services or technologies, as permitted by P.U.C. Substantive Rule 25.361(k). Pilot Projects allow ERCOT to evaluate costs and benefits of proposals without full implementation through the ERCOT Protocols. ERCOT will post the governing documents for each pilot project on this page. Comments on proposed pilots may be sent to pilotprojects@ercot.com

In This Section

Weather-Sensitive Emergency Response Service - Completed
This pilot project tests Emergency Response Service (ERS) Resources for Weather-Sensitive Loads.
Fast Responding Regulation Service - Completed
A form of Regulation Service requiring Resources to respond within 60 cycles of an instruction or triggering event.
Aggregate Distributed Energy Resource (ADER) Pilot Project
This pilot project evaluates the participation of Aggregate Distributed Energy Resources (ADERs) in the ERCOT wholesale market.
30-Minute Emergency Response Service - Completed
This pilot project tests Emergency Response Service (ERS) Resources with a 30-minute ramp period.
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