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Market Information

Grid and Market Conditions
A compilation of dashboards that display current ERCOT grid and market conditions.

ERCOT Market Information List (EMIL)
A searchable listing of all ERCOT market products required to be supplied by Protocols or other binding documents (OBDs).

Day-Ahead and Real-Time Displays Day-Ahead and Real-Time Displays
Real-Time Prices Reports Real-Time Prices Reports
DAM Results Reports DAM Results Reports
System Conditions System Conditions
Ancillary Service Plans Ancillary Service Plans
Scarcity Pricing Mechanism Scarcity Pricing Mechanism
In This Section
Find settlement information, including the Settlements Calendar and initial, final, true-up and resettlement transactions.
Find transaction data such as TDSP ESI ID reports, 867_03 reports, customer move-ins and customer switches.
Real-Time Market
View Real-Time Market (RTM) reports on Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs) by electrical bus, LMP Resource Nodes, Load Zones and Trading Hubs. Settlement Point Prices at Resource Nodes, Hubs and Load Zones are also available.
Read the requirements for ERCOT-polled settlement (EPS) meters and competitive metering.
Market Reports
Find market information extracts and schedules, the operations monthly report, capacity insufficiency reporting and schedule control errors by QSE.
Market Prices
Get AS market prices, including day-ahead market clearing prices and shadow prices.
Load Profiling
Locate past and forecasted load profiles for all profile types and weather zones.
Day-Ahead Market
View Day-Ahead Market (DAM) reports for Hourly LMPs, Clearing Prices for Capacity, and Settle Point Prices.
Data Aggregation
Locate data aggregation daily postings that include UFE reporting; consumption data loading; and TDSP distribution and transmission loss factors. Also find forms to report assets, load and resources.
Congestion Revenue Rights
Find information on Congestion Revenue Rights (CRR) including the CRR Activity Calendar, Market User Interface Specifications and handbook.