Market Guides

Market Guides are based upon ERCOT Protocols and serve as detailed reference documents for Market Participants. The guides act as a mechanism for establishing and adjusting market and operating processes.

In This Section

Verifiable Cost Manual
Locate the manual which describes the process for Resources to submit verifiable costs to ERCOT. View related forms for revision requests as well.
Texas Standard Electronic Transaction Guides
Find the implementation guides for the Texas Standard Electronic Transaction procedures; proposed and adopted changes; and the business process lifecycle for retail transactions.
Settlement Metering Operating Guide
Locate the standards and procedures for ERCOT-polled settlement (EPS) metering; and find or submit requests for changes.
Retail Market Guide
Get the reference guide for the retail market's rules and structure; and find or submit requests for changes.
Resource Registration Glossary
The Resource Registration Glossary provides the name, description and supporting information for any data field that may be required from a Resource as part of the Resource Registration process.
Planning Guide
View the guides that provide ERCOT stakeholders and market participants with information and documentation concerning the ERCOT transmission planning process.
Operating Procedures
Locate ERCOT processes and procedures for reliable daily grid operation and emergency actions.
Nodal Operating Guide
Find the nodal guide that describes how ERCOT will interact with qualified scheduling entities, transmission operators, resource entities and load serving entities in the nodal market; and find or submit request for revisions.
Load Profiling Guide
Find the responsibilities and processes associated with load profiling; and find or submit requests for changes.
Inactive Market Guides
Find inactive Market Guides and related documents.
Data Transport Guides
Read about ERCOT's standards for secure data transport, including the North American Energy Standards Board Electronic Delivery Mechanism and ERCOT's alternative to FTP.
Commercial Operations Market Guide
Find the reference guide for commercial operations; and locate or submit requests for revisions.
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