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Load Serving Entities
Load Serving Entities (LSEs) provide electric service to individual and wholesale Customers. LSEs include Competitive Retailers (CRs) and Non-Opt-In Entities (NOIEs).
CRs sell electricity at retail in the competitive market, and can be:
- a Retail Electric Provider (REP), which contracts with Qualified Scheduling Entities (QSEs) to provide scheduling services for their load Customers, or
- a Municipally Owned Utility (MOU) or Electric Cooperative (EC) that opts to offer Customer Choice (an opt-in entity).
NOIEs are:
- MOUs and ECs that do not operate as CRs, and
- do not plan to offer Customer Choice.
The LSE Application for Registration can be found in Section 23 of the Protocols.
CRs must be certified by ERCOT. Please refer to Texas Retail Market Testing for more information.
CRs operating as REPs must also be certified by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT). Please refer to the Retail Electric Providers Certification and Reporting section of the PUCT website for more information.
Recommended Training
Please visit the Course Recommendations page to locate the recommended training for LSEs.
Key Documents
NOIE Load Zone Establishment Form
Form used by eligible NOIEs wishing to be considered as NOIE Load Zones (per Nodal Protocol 3.4.3 version October 1, 2009)
Dec 3, 2009 - xls - 16.5 KB
QSE Acknowledgement
The QSE Acknowledgement is located in Section 23 of Protocols. It is used by the QSE to acknowledge that it represents a Market Participant applicant for scheduling and settlement transactions with ERCOT.
Texas Market Test Plan
The latest Texas Market Test Plan is located on the Texas Standard Electronic Transaction Working Group page.