Performance, Disturbance, Compliance Working Group

The Performance, Disturbance, Compliance Working Group (PDCWG), reporting to the Reliability and Operations Subcommittee (ROS), is responsible for reviewing, analyzing and evaluating the frequency control performance of the ERCOT control area to ensure conformance to the engineering and operating criteria of ERCOT, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation and other appropriate entities.

The PDCWG coordinates with ERCOT, the Operations Working Group (OWG) and other working groups to identify and recommend measures to support reliability and good control performance as well as to investigate and recommend solutions to frequency control problems.

Any prospective member must sign the appropriate ERCOT Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), and receive approval from ERCOT. Contact ERCOT Legal at nda@ercot.com to ask questions or obtain a copy of the ERCOT NDA.

Contact Information

Chair:  Chad Mulholland

Vice Chair:  Open

ERCOT Legal: Contact Information

!  Send an email to this group: pdcwg@ercot.com  or Subscribe to this email list.

Key Documents

Nov 4, 2021 - docx - 18.4 KB
Jan 15, 2019 - docx - 16.4 KB