Transmission/Distribution Service Providers

Transmission / Distribution Service Provider (TDSPs) own / operate, for compensation, the equipment / facilities to transmit and/or distribute electricity in Texas. TDSPs are regulated by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) and are required to provide non-discriminatory access to the grid.

Each entity that operates as a Transmission Service Provider (TSP) or Distribution Service Provider (DSP) within the ERCOT region, including Municipally Owned Utilities (MOUs) and Electric Cooperatives (ECs), shall register with ERCOT as a TSP and/or DSP, as applicable. Any DSP operating only outside of the ERCOT region, but within Texas ("non-ERCOT DSP") shall also register as a DSP, but non-ERCOT DSPs are not required to comply with sections of the protocols that relate only to operations within the ERCOT region.

DSPs operating within portions of Texas in areas where customer choice is in effect (including opt-in MOUs and opt-in cooperatives) must participate in and successfully complete testing (as described in Section 23, Texas Test Plan Team -- Retail Market Testing of the protocols) before starting operations with ERCOT. (See Qualification/Certification below.)

Rates that TSPs and DSPs must charge for services are set by the PUCT.


The Transmission and/or Distribution Service Provider Application for Registration can be found in Section 23 of the Protocols. Registration forms for metering can be found under Key Documents below.


TDSPs interested in competing in the retail market must be certified by ERCOT.  Please refer to Texas Retail Market Testing for more information.

Recommended Training

Please visit the Course Recommendations page to locate the recommended training for TDSPs.

Key Documents

ELSE Identification and Meter Point Registration Form
Form submitted to ERCOT to identify ELSE (External Load Serving Entity) load metering points and generation metering points.
Feb 4, 2016 - xls - 130.5 KB
NOIE Identification and Meter Point Registration Form
Form to submit to ERCOT to identify NOIE load metering points and generation metering points
Oct 1, 2024 - xls - 181.5 KB
Sep 1, 2011 - xls - 180 KB
TDSP Confidentiality Agreement List
A list of TSPs and DSPs that have confidentiality agreements in effect with ERCOT, as required by Protocol Section 1.3.6(1)(g).
Aug 16, 2024 - xlsx - 20.2 KB
TSP Block Load Transfer Registration Form
This form is used to register Block Load Transfers. Any entity blocking load into or out of ERCOT for reliability reasons needs to complete a BLT form.
May 10, 2012 - xls - 308.5 KB
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