# | Title | Description | Date Posted | Sponsor | Urgent | Protocol Sections | Current Status | Effective Date(s) |
SMOGRR001 | Section 3.2 Quantity, Current Transformers & Section 4.1 Quantity, Voltage Transformers | Change the wording of section 3.2 and section 4.1 to correctly distinguish between the type of power system neutral grounding and the appropriate metering configuration. Change the wording of section 3.2 & section 4.1 to clarify that the application of current transformers in two phases, three voltage transformers connected line-to-ground and two-stator metering will be correct for metering a facility connected to a three-wire wye neutral grounded transmission system provided single phase power equipment is not connected line-to-ground. | 02/22/2002 | Reliant Energy | No | Section 3.2 & Section 4.1 | Approved |
SMOGRR002 | Section 3.8 Sizing of Current Transformers | Paragraph 3.8 is amended to clarify the intent and harmonize with the performance of commercially available current transformers built to the most stringent nationally accepted standards. Currently, section 3.8 can be interpreted to require capabilities that are not available and could be extended to require current transformers to be replaced every time the state of the art is advanced incrementally. | 02/08/2002 | Oncor | No | Section 3.8 | Approved |
SMOGRR003 | Change Control Process Modifications | The change control process in the Settlement Metering Operating Guides (SMOG) currently requires board confirmation to become effective. The requested revision will make the changes to the SMOG effective on the first day of the month following TAC approval. The Board will be advised of votes taken by TAC on a Settlement Metering Operating Guides Revision Request, but no Board action will be required. | 06/19/2002 | ERCOT | No | Attachment G – Change Control Process (G1 Overview, Step 4 and Step 5) | Approved |
SMOGRR004 | SMOG Reformat and Update | This revision edits the Settlement Metering Operating Guide to implement proper formatting and style conventions and clarify or correct existing language. The revision also changes the Attachments to Sections, while retaining the original titles, and introduces a table of contents. Substantive changes are the elimination of the requirement for annual CT burden test if a written explanation is received by ERCOT. Additionally, the requirement for meter event logging and reporting were changed and event definitions were added. | 12/02/2005 | MWG | No | - Commercial Operations: Settlement Metering Operating Guides. - Attachment A: Failure of EPS Communications Facilities. - Attachment B: Documentation for EPS Metering Facilities. - Attachment C: EPS Meter Configuration Criteria - Attachment D: General Standards for Metering Facilities. - Attachment E: Transformer and Line Loss Compensation Factors. - Attachment F: Data Validation, Estimation and Editing Procedures. | Approved |
SMOGRR005 | Process for Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revisions | Attachment G will be replaced with new Section 10, Process for Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revisions. | 02/08/2006 | Nieves Lopez/ERCOT | No | Technical Metering Attachment G, Change Control Process | Approved |
SMOGRR006 | Conforming SMOG to the Current Protocols and Other ERCOT Market Guides | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) proposes changes that would require that LPGRRs associated with ERCOT projects be assigned to the "Unfunded Project List" unless the project can be completed in the current ERCOT budget cycle based upon its priority and ranking. This LPGRR also conforms Settlement Metering Operating Guide (SMOG) language pertaining to Urgent requests with the current Protocols and proposes other administrative changes. | 05/09/2007 | ERCOT Staff | No | 10, Process for Settlement Operating Guide Revisions | Approved |
SMOGRR007 | Synchronization of Settlement Metering Operating Guide with PRR804, Revisions to Section 21 Appeal Process | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) revises Section 10, Process for Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revisions, to provide that if a motion to approve a revision request fails, the revision request shall be deemed rejected by the body considering it and subject to appeal, unless at the same meeting that body later votes to recommend approval, remand, or refer the revision request. This SMOGRR also proposes formatting and administrative changes. | 05/13/2009 | ERCOT | No | 10 | Approved |
SMOGRR008 | Revisions for Texas Nodal Market Implementation and Synchronization with PRR821 | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) revises the SMOG in anticipation of Texas Nodal Market implementation. Revisions will be grey-boxed until the Texas Nodal Market Implementation Date (TNMID) where appropriate. This SMOGRR also revises Section 10, Process for Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revisions, to more effectively align with the current stakeholder process, consistent with revisions made to the Protocols pursuant to Protocol Revision Request (PRR) 821, Update of Section 21, Process for Protocol Revision, and with other existing language in Protocol Section 21. | 03/15/2010 | ERCOT | No | All | Approved |
SMOGRR009 | Submittal Timeline for EPS Metering Design Proposals | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) changes the timeline for Transmission and/or Distribution Service Provider (TDSP) submittal of ERCOT-Polled Settlement (EPS) Metering Design Proposal. | 07/15/2010 | ERCOT | No | 3.2.1 | Approved |
SMOGRR010 | Synchronization with NPRR291, Reduce the Comment Period for NPRRs and SCRs | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) reduces the comment period for SMOGRRs from 21 days to 14 days and removes the requirement for the comment period to end at least three Business Days prior to the next regularly scheduled Metering Working Group (MWG) meeting. | 01/07/2011 | ERCOT | No | 10.4.3 | Approved |
SMOGRR011 | Administrative Changes for the October 1, 2011 Settlement Metering Operating Guide | This Administrative Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) updates the Settlement Metering Operating Guide (SMOG) to reflect the name change of Texas Regional Entity (TRE) to Texas Reliability Entity (Texas RE). | 09/13/2011 | ERCOT | No | 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4.3, 10.4.4, 10.4.10, 10.5 | Approved |
SMOGRR012 | Synchronization with NPRR374, Modification of SCR Process and Urgency Requirements | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) aligns the Settlement Metering Operating Guide (SMOG) with the Protocols to reflect the approval of Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) 374, which modified the requirements for Urgent status. | 12/09/2011 | ERCOT | No | 10.6 | Approved |
SMOGRR013 | Synchronization with NPRR454, Removal of Unfunded Project List Language, and Modification of Administrative SMOGRR Definition | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) aligns the SMOG with Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) 454, Removal of Unfunded Project List Language, approved by the ERCOT Board on 7/17/12, which removed language regarding the Unfunded Project List. This SMOGRR also aligns the SMOG with the Protocols by requiring ERCOT’s opinion in the TAC Report for any SMOGRR requiring an ERCOT project for implementation; and includes administrative alignment changes. In addition, this SMOGRR modifies the scope of the Administrative SMOGRR definition to include revisions for the purpose of maintaining consistency between Section 10, Process for Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revisions, and Protocol Section 21, Revision Request Process. | 08/22/2012 | ERCOT | No | 10.1, 10.4.5, 10.4.8, 10.4.10, 10.4.11 | Approved |
SMOGRR014 | Communications Regarding EPS Meter Repairs, and Related Notice Deadlines and Clarifications | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide (SMOGRR) proposes the following revisions: Appendix A: Provides additional option of using voice communications with the ERCOT Meter Data Acquisition System (MDAS) Group to provide confirmation of repairs after site access. Appendix C: Defines updated timeframe the MDAS Group will use for issuing notices. Defines timeframes in which data is supplied to ERCOT by a Transmission and/or Distribution System Provider (TDSP) in the event of a prolonged communications failure. Adds additional notice type of "six-hour" notice to accommodate a shortened Settlement timeline to resolve communications issues with ERCOT-Polled Settlement (EPS) Meters on the day the Real-Time Market (RTM) Settlement run occurs. Clarifies the conditions ERCOT will follow in cancelling notices. | 02/10/2014 | ERCOT | No | 11(A), 11(C) | Approved |
SMOGRR015 | Administrative Changes for the June 1, 2014 Settlement Metering Operating Guide | This SMOGRR aligns the Settlement Metering Operating Guide (SMOG) with the Protocols as revised by Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) 584, Alignment with TAC Procedures to Shorten the Appeals Timeline, which was approved by the ERCOT Board on 4/8/14. This SMOGRR shortens the appeals timelines for appealing Metering Working Group (MWG) and WMS actions to align with the Electric Reliability Council of Texas Technical Advisory Committee Procedures and maintains accurate information as allowed by Section 10.1, Introduction. | 05/14/2014 | ERCOT | No | 10.5 | Approved |
SMOGRR016 | Administrative Changes for the July 1, 2014 Settlement Metering Operating Guide | This Administrative Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) corrects the language implemented by SMOGRR015, Administrative Changes for the June 1, 2014 Settlement Metering Operating Guide, to align with Protocol Section 21, Revision Request Process, by changing "Business Days" to "days"; and maintains accurate information as allowed by Section 10.1, Introduction. | 06/13/2014 | ERCOT | No | 10.5 | Approved |
SMOGRR017 | Administrative Changes for July 1, 2016 Settlement Metering Operating Guide – Section 21 Alignment | This Administratvie Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) aligns Settlement Metering Operating Guide (SMOG) language with revisions proposed in NPRR752 which modifies the revision request process to reflect current ERCOT practices; and which was approved by the ERCOT Board on June 14, 2016. Administrative changes to align the SMOG with Protocol Section 21, Revision Request Process, are allowed under Section 10.1, Introduction. | 06/16/2016 | ERCOT | No | 10.4.1, 10.4.3, 10.4.4, 10.4.5, 10.4.6, 10.4.7, 10.4.10, 10.4.11, 10.6, 10.7 | Approved |
SMOGRR018 | EPS Metering for Three-Wire Wye Configurations | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) allows an ERCOT-Polled Settlement (EPS) Meter to be installed for a facility that is connected to a three-wire wye, high or low impedance grounded distribution system, if the high or low impedance ground is installed as part of a fault monitoring system for the facility and no phase to ground loads or phase to ground sources are connected behind the metering point. | 08/29/2016 | TIEC | No | 1.3.2, 1.4.1 | Approved |
SMOGRR019 | Clarifications and Updates to Paralleling Current Transformers, Instrument Transfer Name Plate Photos and Loss Potential Event Logging Requirements | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR): 1. Clarifies paragraph (e) of Section 1.3.7 with regard to connected burden, 2. Deletes Section 1.4.7, 3. Modifies Section 3.2.3 to require the submission of nameplate photographs for new or replacement instrument transformers as part of site certification package, and 4. Modifies Section 6.5.4 to specify the voltage levels for logging loss of potential events. Note: The changes in paragraph (k) of Section 6.5.4 would be grey boxed and not implemented until one year after approval to allow Transmission and/or Distribution Service Providers (TDSPs) to reprogram ERCOT Polled Settlement (EPS) meters during the annual meter tests. This delayed implementation date, and having work performed during normal activities, will minimize impact to both TDSPs and ERCOT metering operations staff for this change. | 09/02/2016 | ERCOT | No | 1.3.7, 1.4.7, 3.2.3, 6.5.4 | Approved |
Paragraph (1)(k) of Section 6.5.4 01/01/2017
All sections except for Section 6.5.4(1)(k) |
SMOGRR020 | Administrative Changes for January 1, 2017 Settlement Metering Operating Guide – Alignment with Section 21 | This administrative Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) aligns the Settlement Metering Operating Guide with Protocol Section 21, Revision Request Process and changes implemented by NPRR779, Clarifies References to Texas Reliability Entity and Independent Market Monitor, which was approved by the ERCOT Board on October 11, 2016. Administrative changes to align the Settlement Metering Operating Guide with Protocol Section 21 are allowed under Section 13.1. | 12/13/2016 | ERCOT | No | 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4.3 10.4.4, 10.5 | Approved |
SMOGRR021 | Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request Process | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) refines the process for revising the Settlement Metering Operating Guide (SMOG) so that SMOGRRs are originally considered at the voting Subcommittee level, and expands the list of SMOGRRs requiring ERCOT Board approval. These process changes were discussed at the 8/25/16 TAC/TAC Subcommittee Structural and Procedural Review, the 9/29/16 TAC meeting, and the 10/10/16 HR & Governance Committee meeting. | 02/06/2017 | ERCOT | No | 10.1,10.3,10.4,10.4.1,10.4.2,10.4.3,10.4.4,10.4.5,10.4.6,10.4.7,10.4.8,10.4.10,10.4.11,10.5,10.6,10.7 | Approved |
SMOGRR022 | Related to NPRR948, Instrument Transformer Testing Schedule and Removal of Reference to Fiber-Optic Current Transformers | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) removes references to fiber-optic instrument transformers. | 05/29/2019 | ERCOT | No | 7.2, 7.5.3, (delete), and (delete) | Approved |
SMOGRR023 | Updates to Nameplate Information Requirements | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) provides an option for certification of nameplates of newly installed or replaced instrument transformers by a professional engineer when nameplate photos cannot be physically accessed because the instrument transformers are installed inside other equipment apparatus, replaces a list of instrument transformer nameplate data requirements with a reference to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standards, and deletes Section 7.5.6. | 08/18/2020 | ERCOT | No | 3.2.3, 7.5.2, and 7.5.6 (delete) | Approved |
SMOGRR024 | Implement NPRR1020 | This Settlement Meter Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) makes modifications to accommodate telemetered auxiliary Load and allows a site to comply with NPRR1020. | 11/24/2020 | Tesla | Yes | 1.1, 1.5.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.1, 1.9 (new), 2, 2.2 (new), 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 4.1, 5.5 (new), 6.3.3, 6.5.4, 6.7.2, Appendices A, B, and D (new) | Approved |
SMOGRR025 | Modifications to Line Loss Compensation Requirement for EPS Metering | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) allows for losses in short runs of connecting lines to be disregarded in instances where the ERCOT-Polled Settlement (EPS) Meter is not physically placed at the Point of Interconnection (POI). This SMOGRR requires calculation to verify that the watts copper losses are below 0.001%. | 01/21/2022 | ERCOT | No | 8.4 | Approved |
SMOGRR026 | Related to NPRR1157, Incorporation of PUCT Approval into Revision Request Process | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) requires all Revision Requests to be approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) prior to implementation; standardizes all Revision Requests be considered by the ERCOT Board of Directors; adds an Independent Market Monitor (IMM) opinion, ERCOT opinion, and the ERCOT Market Impact Statement to the TAC Report; and revises possible actions on a Revision Request from “defer” to “table” as currently captured in motions. | 02/22/2023 | ERCOT | Yes | 10.1, 10.3.2, 10.3.3, 10.3.9, 10.3.10, 10.3.11 (new), 10.4, and 10.6 | Approved |
SMOGRR027 | Move OBD to Settlement Metering Operating Guide – EPS Metering Design Proposal | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) moves the EPS Metering Design Proposal from the Other Binding Document List into the Settlement Metering Operating Guide to standardize the approval process, and amends the design proposal form to require additional information identifying any and all Distribution Service Providers (DSPs) that have the right to serve a project. The amendments also make clear that this requirement does not apply to Wholesale Storage Load (WSL), and deletes references to the Resource Asset Registration Form (RARF) in the ERCOT-Polled Settlement (EPS) Metering Design Proposal form. | 08/09/2023 | ERCOT | No | 3.4 and 12 Attachment A (new) | Approved |
SMOGRR028 | Add Series Reactor Compensation Factors | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) gives guidance for allowing loss compensation for current limiting reactors. | 09/25/2023 | RWE Clean Energy | No | 8, 8.1, 8.5 (new), 8.5, and 8.6.1 | Pending | |
SMOGRR029 | Administrative Change for Settlement Metering Operating Guide – Remove Obsolete Reference from List of Appealable TAC Actions | This Administrative Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) removes an obsolete reference to TAC approval from the list of appealable TAC actions, as TAC no longer has final approval of guide Revision Requests, further aligning the Settlement Metering Operating Guide revision process with that described in Protocol Section, Appeal of Technical Advisory Committee Action. Administrative changes to the Settlement Metering Operating Guide to maintain consistency with Protocol Section 21, Revision Request Process, are allowed under paragraph (5) of Section 10.1, Introduction. | 10/12/2023 | ERCOT | No | 10.4 | Approved |
SMOGRR030 | Move OBD to Settlement Metering Operating Guide – EPS Metering Facility Temporary Exemption Request Application Form | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) moves the EPS Metering Facility Temporary Exemption Request Application Form from the Other Binding Document List into the Settlement Metering Operating Guide to standardize the approval process. | 12/21/2023 | ERCOT | No | 3.4 and 12B (new) | Approved |
SMOGRR031 | Related to NPRR1264, Creation of a New Energy Attribute Certificate Program | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) modifies what an Entity may be affected by in order to qualify to submit SMOGRRs, in alignment with Protocol changes made by NPRR1264. | 12/19/2024 | Texas Energy Buyers Alliance (TEBA) | No | 10.2 | Pending | |
SMOGRR032 | Move OBD to Section 12 – TDSP Access to EPS Metering Facility Notification Form | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) incorporates the Other Binding Document “TDSP Access to EPS Metering Facility Notification Form” into the Settlement Metering Operating Guide to standardize the approval process. | 03/20/2025 | ERCOT | No | Section 11 Appendix B and Section 12 Attachment C (new) | Pending | |
SMOGRR033 | Move OBD to Section 12 – TDSP Cutover Form for EPS Metering Points | This Settlement Metering Operating Guide Revision Request (SMOGRR) incorporates the Other Binding Document “TDSP Cutover Form for EPS Metering Points” into the Settlement Metering Operating Guide to standardize the approval process. | 03/20/2025 | ERCOT | No | 3.2.4 and Section 12 Attachment D (new) | Pending |