
Title SMOG Reformat and Update
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Status Approved on 02/02/2006
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
02/02/2006 TAC Approved
01/18/2006 WMS Recommended for Approval Development of IA and submission for TAC consideration

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
02/02/2006 TAC Approval as recommended by WMS Passed
01/18/2006 WMS Recommendation for TAC approval Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Dec 2, 2005
Sponsor: MWG
Urgent: No
Sections: - Commercial Operations: Settlement Metering Operating Guides. - Attachment A: Failure of EPS Communications Facilities. - Attachment B: Documentation for EPS Metering Facilities. - Attachment C: EPS Meter Configuration Criteria - Attachment D: General Standards for Metering Facilities. - Attachment E: Transformer and Line Loss Compensation Factors. - Attachment F: Data Validation, Estimation and Editing Procedures.
Description: This revision edits the Settlement Metering Operating Guide to implement proper formatting and style conventions and clarify or correct existing language. The revision also changes the Attachments to Sections, while retaining the original titles, and introduces a table of contents. Substantive changes are the elimination of the requirement for annual CT burden test if a written explanation is received by ERCOT. Additionally, the requirement for meter event logging and reporting were changed and event definitions were added.
Reason: Bring the Settlement Metering Operating Guide in conformance with proper formatting and style conventions and create internal consistency as well consistency with the ERCOT Protocol and operating guide documents and processes.

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