This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) follows NPRR890, Correction to Calculation of Real-Time LMPs at Logical Resource Node for On-Line Combined Cycle Generation Resources. The intent of NPRR890 was to align Protocol language with ERCOT’s systems. The current Protocol language calculates the Locational Marginal Price (LMP) for a Combined Cycle Generation Resource (“CCGR”) using a weighted average of the Shift Factors for each Generation Resource in the On-Line CCGR using the Real-Time telemetered outputs of the Generation Resources to calculate the weight factor. This language reverts the applicable Protocol sections back to previous language for determining Real-Time LMPs of the logical Resource Nodes for On-Line CCGRs. Reverting the Protocol language back results in those CCGR LMPs being based on a weighted average of LMPs at the Resource Node for each of the Generation Resources in the On-Line CCGRs, using the Real-Time telemetered outputs of the Generation Resources to calculate the weight factor. This NPRR also retains the language from NPRR890 that clarifies the formula for Off-Line CCGRs.