Southern Cross Transmission

In PUC Docket No. 45624, the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) approved the City of Garland's application for a certificate of convenience and necessity to build a new 38-mile-long, 345kv transmission line connecting ERCOT to a direct-current converter station—the Southern Cross Transmission, LLC (SCT) DC tie—in Louisiana. In PUC Project No. 46304, the PUCT issued an Order that directs ERCOT to complete a number of tasks—set forth in 14 separate directives—that the PUCT deemed necessary to accommodate the new DC tie.

Behind each of the links below, you will find documents relating to the corresponding directive, including ERCOT whitepapers, stakeholder comments, and any Protocol or Guide Revision Requests.


Directive 1 Determination of appropriate market participant category and market segment
Directive 2 Execution of any necessary coordination agreements
Directive 3 Determination regarding ramp rate restrictions
Directive 4 Development of methodology for outage coordination
Directive 5 Determination of planning model assumptions and considerations
Directive 6 Determination regarding any needed transmission upgrades
Directive 7 Determination as to how to manage congestion caused by DC tie
Directive 8 Determination regarding Primary Frequency Response and Voltage Support
Directive 9 Determination regarding modifications to Ancillary Services
Directive 10 Determination regarding price formation under emergency conditions
Directive 11 Determination regarding allocation of costs identified in PUC Docket No. 45624
Directive 12 Determination regarding possible allocation of export-related costs to QSEs
Directive 13 ERCOT reporting of status of work on Directives to PUCT
Directive 14 ERCOT updates to PUCT regarding completion dates for Directives 1 to 12

Key Documents

Jan 23, 2023 - pptx - 112 KB