
Title Mitigated Offer Floor Revisions
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Status Approved on 04/09/2019
Effective Dates

Phase I: Language that is not grey-boxed


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Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
04/09/2019 BOARD Approved
03/27/2019 TAC Recommended for Approval Revision Request Consideration
02/14/2019 PRS Recommended for Approval Revision Request Consideration
01/17/2019 PRS Recommended for Approval Impact Analysis Consideration

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
04/09/2019 BOARD to approve NPRR916 as recommended by TAC in the 3/27/19 TAC Report, as amended by the 4/4/19 ERCOT comments, with an effective date of upon system implementation for the grey-boxed language and April 10, 2019 for the remaining language Passed
03/27/2019 TAC to recommend approval of NPRR916 as recommended by PRS in the 2/14/19 PRS Report Passed
02/14/2019 PRS to endorse and forward to TAC the 1/17/19 PRS Report and Impact Analysis for NPRR916 Passed
01/17/2019 PRS to recommend approval of NPRR916 as submitted Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Dec 27, 2018
Sponsor: ERCOT
Urgent: No
Description: This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) sets the Mitigated Offer Floor for the “Combined Cycle” and “Gas/Oil Steam and Combustion Turbine” Resource Categories to $0/MWh, rather than a Fuel Index Price (FIP)-based calculation. This proposed language obviates grey-boxed language from NPRR664, Fuel Index Price for Resource Definition and Real-Time Make-Whole Payments for Exceptional Fuel Cost Events. As a result, the grey-boxed language from NPRR664 is deleted in Section
Reason: Addresses current operational issues; Market efficiencies or enhancements

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