
Title Revise Section 5 and Establish Small Generation Interconnection Process
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Status Approved on 12/08/2020
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Attachment D


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Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
12/08/2020 BOARD Approved
11/18/2020 TAC Recommended for Approval Revision Request Consideration
11/05/2020 ROS Recommended for Approval Revision Request Consideration
10/08/2020 ROS Recommended for Approval Impact Analysis Consideration
08/06/2020 ROS Deferred/Tabled Language Consideration

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
12/08/2020 BOARD to approve PGRR082 as recommended by TAC in the 11/18/20 TAC Report Passed
11/18/2020 TAC to recommend approval of PGRR082 as recommended by ROS in the 11/5/20 ROS Report as amended by the 11/17/20 ERCOT comments Passed
11/05/2020 ROS to endorse and forward to TAC the 10/8/20 ROS Report and the Impact Analysis for PGRR082 with a recommended priority of 2020 and rank of 3070 Passed
10/08/2020 ROS to recommend approval of PGRR082 as amended by the 10/2/20 ERCOT comments Passed
08/06/2020 ROS to table PGRR082 and refer the issue to the Planning Working Group (PLWG) Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2020
Sponsor: ERCOT
Urgent: No
Sections: 2.2, 5, 5.1, 5.1.1, 5.1.2 (delete), 5.2 (new), 5.2, 5.2.1, 5.2.2 (delete), 5.2.2 (new), 5.2.3 (new), 5.2.4 (new), 5.2.5 (new), 5.2.6 (new), 5.2.7 (new), 5.2.8 (new), (new), (new), (new), (new), 5.3 (new), 5.3 (delete), 5.3.1 (delete), 5.3.2 (delete), (new), (new), 5.3.3 (new), 5.3.4 (new), 5.4, 5.4 (new), 5.4.1, 5.4.1 (new), 5.4.2, 5.4.2 (new), (new),,, 5.4.3, 5.4.3 (new), 5.4.4, 5.4.4 (new), 5.4.5, 5.4.6, 5.4.7 (delete), 5.4.8, 5.4.9 (delete), 5.4.10 (delete), 5.5 (delete), 5.5 (new), 5.5.1 (delete), 5.5.2 (delete), 5.5.3 (delete), 5.5.4 (delete), 5.6 (delete), 5.7, (delete), 5.7.1 (delete), 5.7.2 (delete), 5.7.3 (delete), 5.7.4 (delete), 5.7.5 (delete), 5.7.6 (delete), 5.7.7 (delete), 5.8 (delete), 5.8.1 (delete), 5.8.2 (delete), 5.9 (delete), and 6.9
Description: This Planning Guide Revision Request (PGRR) creates a new interconnection process for generators and generator modifications that are less than 10 MW in size. This process will enable ERCOT to track these generators through the interconnection process and to perform any appropriate studies, if necessary, before these projects would be included in the ERCOT Network Operations Model. As is the case under the current interconnection process, generators 10 MW or larger will be subject to a more rigorous interconnection process, including a screening study, Full Interconnection Study (FIS), Quarterly Stability Analysis, and other requirements. This PGRR also extends the generator interconnection process to apply to distribution-connected Generation Resources and Settlement Only Generators (SOG), and clarifies the roles of ERCOT and Transmission and/or Distribution Service Providers (TDSPs) in interconnecting these generators. This PGRR also reorganizes Section 5, eliminates duplicative language, and provides further clarifications of existing requirements. This PGRR reflects input from stakeholders gathered through a series of workshops.
Reason: Addresses current operational issues; Market efficiencies or enhancements. This PGRR gives ERCOT visibility of proposed generators and generator modifications that are less than 10 MW in size. The existing interconnection process described in Planning Guide Section 5 does not apply to these smaller projects. With increasing numbers of small generators being proposed, the need for ERCOT to have some visibility of the number and location of these projects becomes more important. This PGRR also specifies interconnection requirements for generators interconnected at distribution voltage, providing needed clarity in the interconnection process. Other organizational and editorial revisions give greater clarity to developers interconnecting generation projects in the ERCOT System.

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