
Title Dynamic Model Requirement for TSAT
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Status Approved on 02/26/2020


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
02/26/2020 TAC Approved
02/06/2020 ROS Recommended for Approval Revision Request Consideration
10/03/2019 ROS Deferred/Tabled Language Consideration

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
02/26/2020 TAC to approve RRGRR021 as recommended by ROS in the 2/6/20 ROS Report Passed
02/06/2020 ROS to grant RRGRR021 Urgent status; to recommend approval of RRGRR021 as amended by the 1/8/20 DWG comments; and to forward RRGRR021 and the Impact Analysis to TAC with a recommended effective date of August 1, 2020 Passed
10/03/2019 ROS to table RRGRR021 and refer the issue to the Dynamics Working Group (DWG) and Operations Working Group (OWG) Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Sep 18, 2019
Sponsor: ERCOT
Urgent: Yes
Sections: Section 2, Resource Registration Glossary
Description: This Resource Registration Glossary Revision Request (RRGRR) adds new data requirements to the Resource Registration Glossary to account for submittal requirement fields for dynamic models required by the Transient Security Assessment Tool (TSAT) that could be implemented for ERCOT Real-Time operations.
Reason: Addresses current operational issues

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