

Title Adding QSE and DME Information to Disclosure Reports
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Status Approved on 02/11/2020


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
02/11/2020 BOARD Approved
01/29/2020 TAC Recommended for Approval Revision Request Consideration
12/12/2019 PRS Recommended for Approval Revision Request Consideration
11/13/2019 PRS Recommended for Approval Impact Analysis Consideration

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
02/11/2020 BOARD to approve SCR806 as recommended by TAC in the 1/29/20 TAC Report Passed
01/29/2020 TAC to recommend approval of SCR806 as recommended by PRS in the 12/12/19 PRS Report Passed
12/12/2019 PRS to endorse and forward to TAC the 11/13/19 PRS Report and the Impact Analysis for SCR806 with a recommended priority of 2020 and rank of 250 Passed
11/13/2019 PRS to recommend approval of SCR806 as submitted Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Oct 29, 2019
Sponsor: ERCOT
Urgent: No
Sections: 3.2.5
Description: This System Change Request (SCR) adds the Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE) and Decision Making Entity (DME) columns to each individual disclosure report with Resource-specific offer information as specified by P.U.C. SUBST. R. 25.505, Reporting Requirements and the Scarcity Pricing Mechanism in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas Power Region.
Reason: Regulatory requirements

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