TAC Meeting

January 08, 2009
09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Room 206
Dial-In: 1-866-469-3239
Dial-In Code: Full Speaking Code: 20087078  //  Listen Only Code: 20081024



Antitrust Admonition


M. Dreyfus

9:30 a.m.


ERCOT Board Update


M. Bruce

9:35 a.m.


Election of TAC Chair and Vice-Chair (Vote)



B. Albracht

9:45 a.m.


Approval of Draft December 4, 2008 TAC Meeting Minutes (Vote)



TAC Chair

10:00 a.m.


PRR776, Automatic MCPE Adjustment During Intervals of Non-Spinning Reserve Service Deployment Urgent (Vote)


TAC Chair

 10:05 a.m.



Protocol Revisions Subcommittee Report

  • Protocol Revision Request (PRR) (Vote):
    • PRR782, Clean-up and Corrections to Terminology and Transaction Timings in Protocol Section 15, Customer Registration
    • PRR783, Elimination of the Non-ERCOT LSE Fee
    • PRR788, Ramp Rate Limits for Existing WGRs Urgent
    • PRR791, Shortage Pricing Mechanism Urgent
    • PRR792, Revised Renewable Portfolio Standards Allocation Process, Pursuant to P.U.C. Subst. R. 25.173 Urgent
  • Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) (Vote):
    • NPRR140, Revision to CRR Obligation Margin Adder
    • NPRR160, Elimination of the Non-ERCOT LSE Fee
    • NPRR169, Clarify the Calculation and Posting of LMPs for the Load Zone and LMPs for each Hub

K. Gresham






11:00 a.m.



Revised 2009 Project Priority List (Vote)


T. Anderson

12:00 p.m.







12:15 p.m.



Reliability and Operations Subcommittee Report

  • OGRR212, EECP Media Appeal Change (Vote)
  • NOGRR022, EECP Media Appeal Change (Vote)
  • ERCOT Members of the NERC CIPC (Vote)
  • Status of Study of LaaR Capability for Current Responsive Reserve Service Level
  • Hurricane Ike Report (Possible Vote)


R. Jones

T. Hudson
B. Blevins

12:45 p.m.




Retail Market Subcommittee Report

  • RMGRR069, Texas SET Retail Market Guide Clean-up Section 7:  Historical Usage and Estimated Meter Readings; Section 9:  Transaction Timing Matrix and Letter of Authorization (Vote)
  • SCR745, Retail Market Outage Evaluation and Resolution (Vote)


K. Patrick

1:45 p.m.




Wholesale Market Subcommittee Report

  • Report on review of cost allocation for incremental AS resulting from revised AS methodology
  • Report on options for optimizing incremental AS requirements

B. Belk

2:00 p.m.



Texas Nodal Implementation

  • ERCOT Program Update
    • Nodal Schedule
  • TPTF Report


R. Hinsley

J. Mickey

2:30 p.m.




Commercial Operations Subcommittee Report


L. Starr

3:15 p.m.



Texas Regional Entity Report

V. Barry

3:30 p.m.



Operations and Planning Reports




3:50 p.m.



Other Business


TAC Chair

4:00 p.m.





TAC Chair

4:15 p.m.


Scheduled TAC Meetings

Key Documents

Jul 20, 2009 - doc - 184 KB
Jan 7, 2009 - doc - 103 KB
Dec 31, 2008 - doc - 168.5 KB
Jan 7, 2009 - zip - 486.3 KB
Dec 31, 2008 - zip - 283.8 KB
Jan 7, 2009 - ppt - 239 KB
Jan 3, 2009 - xls - 116 KB
Jan 3, 2009 - ppt - 164 KB
Jan 2, 2009 - doc - 570.5 KB
Jan 2, 2009 - ppt - 48 KB
Jan 7, 2009 - zip - 74.4 KB
Dec 31, 2008 - doc - 8.9 MB
Dec 17, 2008 - ppt - 223 KB
Dec 30, 2008 - zip - 676.4 KB
Jan 6, 2009 - ppt - 98 KB
Dec 17, 2008 - ppt - 120 KB
Jan 7, 2009 - ppt - 171.5 KB
Dec 29, 2008 - ppt - 182 KB
Dec 31, 2008 - ppt - 233 KB
Dec 23, 2008 - ppt - 128.5 KB
Jan 8, 2009 - ppt - 546.5 KB
Dec 5, 2008 - xls - 35.5 KB
Jan 7, 2009 - zip - 11 MB
Jan 9, 2009 - zip - 11.2 MB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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