PWG Meeting by Webex Only

January 12, 2022
09:30 AM
Teleconference: 877-668-4493
Meeting number: 2558 096 2378
Meeting password: P2xrixfM9m3

  • Antitrust Admonition
  • 2022 PWG Leadership Elections
  • Introductions and Agenda Overview
  • Review Nov 11th Meeting Notes
  • 2021 Weather Sensitivity Update
  • Transition status of LPGRR068, Add BUSLRG and BUSLRGDG Profile Types:
    • TDSPs transition status update for Feb 1st implementation
      • Updated timelines
    • Data accessibility
      • Via TDSPs tools/portals
      • Historical data
      • ROR/Non-ROR
    • Data Loading Enhancements
      • Proposal of Error Codes
      • Establishment of Thresholds
  • 2021 Goals/Accomplishments
  • 2022 Goals
  • Parking lot items:
    • LPGRR proposal converting Profile Decision Tree from Excel to Word format
  • Other Business
  • Future PWG Meetings:
    • Feb 9, 2022
    • Mar 16, 2022* reschedule/cancel
    • Apr 12, 2022
  • Adjourn

Scheduled PWG Meetings

Key Documents

Jan 12, 2022 - docx - 80.2 KB
Jan 12, 2022 - pptx - 359.8 KB

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