Protocol Revision Subcommittee (PRS) Meeting

January 19, 2012
09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Room 206
Teleconference: 888-894-0587
Meeting number: 659 252 027
Meeting password: PRS123!!!



Antitrust Admonition

A. Boren


Election of 2012 PRS Chair and Vice-Chair (Vote)


A. Boren


Approval of Minutes (Vote)

December 15, 2011

January 9, 2012 


PRS Chair


Special PRS, TAC, Board Reports (Possible Vote)

Review of Appropriate Notification Period for Rescinding Requests for Mothballed Status and/or Returning from Mothballed Status

NPRR432, Deployment of Resources to Alleviate Imminent Emergency Conditions - Urgent


PRS Chair


Project Update and Summary of Project Priority List (PPL) Activity to Date


T. Anderson


Other Binding Document (Vote)

Credit Formulas and Detail White Paper for DAM and CRR


M. Mereness


Urgency Votes (Possible Vote)

NPRR435, Requirements for Energy Offer Curves in the Real Time SCED for Generation Resources Committed in RUC


PRS Chair


Review PRS Reports, Impact Analyses, and Prioritization (Vote)

NPRR385, Security Violation Analysis and Reporting and Negative Price Floor

NPRR393, SCED Constraint Management Transparency

NPRR397, Balance of the Day Ancillary Service Market

NPRR402, Clarification of Pre-DAM RUC Instruction Sequence

NPRR419, Revise Real-Time Energy Imbalance and RMR Adjustment Charge

NPRR424, Reactive Capability Testing Requirements for IRRs

NPRR430, Corrections Related to NPRR357, Revisions to Collateral Requirements Concerning CRR Auctions, and Clarification to Collateral Requirements

NPRR431, Board Priority Revision Requests

SCR769, CRRAH Digital Certificate New Role for Read Only Access


PRS Chair


Review of Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs) Language and System Change Requests (SCRs) (Vote)

NPRR366, Generation Resource Power Factor Criteria Clarification

NPRR394, Outage Reporting

NPRR410, Definition of an Energy Storage Resource

NPRR412, Quick Start Generation Resource Compliance Metric Adjustments

NPRR416, Removal of the RUC Clawback Charge for Resources Other than RMR Units

NPRR425, Creation of a Wind Resource Group for GREDP and Base Point Deviation Evaluation

NPRR429, HASL Offset Provision

NPRR433, Clarification of Ancillary Service Obligation Calculation Process

NPRR434, Increase the Capacity Limitation of a Generation Resource Providing RRS

SCR768, Automatic Non-Spin Redeployment and Deployment Based on Resource Availability


PRS Chair


Notice of Withdrawal

SCR767, Non-Spin Deployment Criteria


PRS Chair


Other Business


PRS Chair



PRS Chair


Future PRS Meetings

  • February 23, 2012
  • March 22, 2012 


Scheduled PRS Meetings

Key Documents

Feb 23, 2012 - doc - 185 KB
Jan 18, 2012 - zip - 4.2 MB
Jan 12, 2012 - doc - 58 KB
Jan 12, 2012 - doc - 165.5 KB
Jan 16, 2012 - ppt - 1.4 MB

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