TDTMS Meeting by Webex Only

January 20, 2022
09:30 AM
Teleconference: 877-668-4493
Meeting number: 182 417 5593
Meeting password: BBx#32


1.       Antitrust Admonition

2.       Elections

3.       Introductions & Agenda Review

4.       Meeting Minutes 12/8/22

5.       ERCOT Update

a.       System Instances and MarkeTrak Monthly Performance Review

b.       Listserv Performance

c.       MarkeTrak Upgrade

6.       Follow up on status:

a.       SCR 817 MarkeTrak Validation Revisions Aligning w/ TX SET v5.0 – IA available

b.       RMGRR 166 Revising Timing for Switch Hold Extract Availability – IA endorsed at RMS – 3/1 effective date

7.       Biannual Review of MarkeTrak Subtype volumes – July 2021 thru December 2021

8.       MT Analysis – high level for 2022

9.       2022 TDTMS Goals/ 2021 TDTMS Accomplishments - finalize

10.   Discuss next meeting’s agenda

11.   Action Items

12.   Adjourn

Scheduled TDTMS Meetings

Key Documents

Jan 18, 2022 - docx - 20.7 KB
Jan 14, 2022 - docx - 37.6 KB
Jan 14, 2022 - pptx - 66.4 KB
Jan 19, 2022 - xlsx - 22.1 KB
Jan 20, 2022 - pptx - 120.5 KB

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