TAC Meeting by Webex Only

January 31, 2022
09:30 AM
Teleconference: 877-668-4493
Meeting number: 2552 451 0156
Meeting password: AvM#95


TAC Standing Representatives intending to vote should join through Webex and have access to their company email.

  • Submit Alternate Representative or Proxy designations by 3PM no later than one day prior to the meeting
  • An email with a unique validation code will be sent to all TAC Standing Representatives and their designated Alternative Representative
    • To allow validation of your login and ensure your ability to vote in the meeting as a representative of your company, please copy and paste your login given in the email when logging into the WebEx
  • If you are using a phone for audio, please associate your phone to your name by using the "Call me" option (easiest) or the "Call in" option and enter your assigned Attendee ID when prompted
  • All votes will be conducted via roll call
  • Use the Chat function to queue for comments/motions (not Raise Hand or commenting from the phone) – reply to Everyone
  • Log in to Webex 15 minutes prior to the meeting start so that quorum can be established and logins can be validated



Antitrust Admonition

Suzy Clifton

9:30 a.m.


Election of 2022 TAC Chair and Vice Chair (Vote)

Suzy Clifton

9:35 a.m.


Approval of TAC Meeting Minutes (Vote)

  • November 29, 2021

TAC Chair

9:40 a.m.


December 2021 and January 2022 Board Meeting Update

TAC Chair

9:45 a.m.


Confirmation of 2022 Subcommittee Leadership (Vote)

TAC Chair

10:00 a.m.


2022 TAC Goals and Strategic Initiatives (Possible Vote)

TAC Chair

10:05 a.m.


Emergency Conditions Issues List Review (Possible Vote)

TAC Chair

10:15 a.m.


Review of ERCOT Market Impact Statements and ERCOT Opinions

Ann Boren

10:30 a.m.


PRS Report (Vote)

  • NPRR1095, Texas SET V5.0 Changes
  • NPRR1098, Direct Current Tie (DC Tie) Reactive Power Capability Requirements
  • NPRR1099, Managing Network Operations Model Resource Nodes
  • NPRR1102, ERCOT Discretion for Adjusting Non-Interval Data Recorder (NIDR) Backcasted Load Profiles
  • NPRR1111, Related to SCR819, Improving IRR Control to Manage GTC Stability Limits – URGENT
  • NPRR1113, Clarification of Regulation-Up Schedule for Controllable Load Resources in Ancillary Service Imbalance – URGENT
  • NPRR1114, Securitization – PURA Subchapter N Uplift Charges – URGENT
  • SCR816, CRR Auction Bid Credit Enhancement
  • SCR817, Related to NPRR1095, MarkeTrak Validation Revisions Aligning with Texas SET V5.0
  • SCR819, Improving IRR Control to Manage GTC Stability Limits – URGENT

Martha Henson





10:35 a.m.


Revision Requests Tabled at TAC (Vote)

  • OBDRR034, Related to NPRR1099, Managing Network Operations Model Resource Nodes

TAC Chair

10:55 a.m.


Other Binding Document Revision Requests (Vote)

  • OBDRR037, Power Balance Penalty Updates to Align with PUCT Approved High System-Wide Offer Cap
  • OBDRR038, Minimum Contingency Level Updates to Align with PUCT Order
  • Protocol HCAP Parameter Update to Align with PUCT Substantive Rule Changes (Protocol Section 4.4.11(1))

David Maggio


11:00 a.m.


RMS Report (Vote)

  • RMGRR166, Revising Timing for Switch Hold Extract Availability
  • RMGRR169, Related to NPRR1095, Texas SET V5.0 Changes

Debbie McKeever

11:20 a.m.


ROS Report (Vote)

  • NOGRR234, Related to NPRR1098, Direct Current Tie (DC Tie) Reactive Power Capability Requirements
  • NOGRR235, Combining Grey-boxes and Other Corrections
  • PGRR099, Revise GIM Process to Ensure Compliance with the Lone Star Infrastructure Protection Act 

Chase Smith

11:40 a.m.


WMS Report (Vote)

  • VCMRR032, Calculation of Average Running Hours per Start when Determining the Variable O&M for QSGRs 

Resmi Surendran

12:00 p.m.


ERCOT Reports


12:20 p.m.


  • Annual RUC Reporting Requirement (Protocol Section 5.8)

David Maggio



  • Real-Time Co-optimization (RTC) Update

Matt Mereness



  • Firm Fuel Supply Service Update

Kenan Ögelman



  • ERCOT Emergency Communications Update

Chris Schein



Other Business


12:50 p.m.


  • Potential Task Force to Address Load Resource Issues

TAC Chair



Combo Ballot (Vote)


12:55 p.m.




1:00 p.m.

Scheduled TAC Meetings

Mar 9, 2022 - doc - 259.5 KB
Jan 31, 2022 - xls - 143.5 KB
Jan 24, 2022 - doc - 115.5 KB
Jan 30, 2022 - docx - 13.7 KB
Jan 30, 2022 - doc - 256 KB
Jan 26, 2022 - doc - 262.5 KB
Jan 24, 2022 - pptx - 84.9 KB
Jan 26, 2022 - zip - 33 KB
Jan 31, 2022 - zip - 144.2 KB
Jan 30, 2022 - zip - 1.3 MB
Jan 24, 2022 - zip - 169.5 KB
Jan 24, 2022 - zip - 675.4 KB
Jan 24, 2022 - zip - 283.1 KB
Jan 27, 2022 - zip - 819.5 KB
Jan 24, 2022 - zip - 582.8 KB
Feb 7, 2022 - zip - 870.3 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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