OGRTF Meeting

February 15, 2005
09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Rm. 209



ERCOT strictly prohibits market participants and their employees who are participating in ERCOT activities from using their participation in ERCOT activities as a forum for engaging in practices or communications that violate the antitrust laws.  The ERCOT Board has approved guidelines for members of ERCOT Committees, subcommittees and working Groups to be reviewed and followed by each market participant attending ERCOT meetings.

  1. Review of November 11, 2004 meeting notes and action items to be sure the agenda is complete.
  2. OGRRs:
    • 154 Generator Protection Requirements: Describes the operating conditions under which generators should stay connected. (Deferred 11/17/04)
    • 155 Section 3 Corrections and Clarifications: Implements Protocol and Operating Guides reference corrections, Section title corrections, punctuation corrections, corrections to pre deregulation language, and defined term corrections. Removes redundant and unnecessary language. (Deferred 11/17/04)
    • 156 - Reactive Considerations due to PRR409 (Voltage Support Service from Generating Resource): Adds appropriate language to ensure the timely response of Generation Resources to ERCOT instructions for Voltage Support Service. (Deferred 11/17/04)
    • 161 Responsive Reserve MW Limit: Change the limit of RRS on an individual Generation Resource from 20% of Net Generation Capability to 20% of Net Generation Capability or 50 MW, whichever is the greater.
    • 162 Revision to Disturbance Monitoring: Makes GPS time synchronization a requirement, and clarifies location requirements to exclude 69 kV lines but include generator owned transmission above 100 kV.

      Action Items:
      Lane Robinson:
      Agreed at the last meeting to take an action item for Compliance to review Section 3 to determine if any enforcement verbiage should be moved to the Compliance web site particularly section Enforcement of LAAR testing requirements.

      Stephen Knapp:
      1. Work with ERCOT to reword the section on generation Resource Forced Outage reporting in Section 3.
      2. Review and correct the protocol reference labeled 6.5.7 Voltage Support Service in section 3.
  1. TF to discuss request to review the State Estimator Observability and Redundancy Requirements endorsed by ROS on October 12, 2004 to determine an appropriate location for the document within the Operating Guides.
  2. Review of Protocol changes vs. Protocol references in the Guides:
    The TF agreed last time to have Jeff make the minor format / style changes administratively. David Darnell agreed to review the red changes and make any preliminary comments in preparation for the OGRTF to determine if any changes, other than the reference, itself are needed.
  3. New Business
  4. Next OGRFT meeting will be on March 7th, and will be combined with the OWG meeting the morning prior to the start of the Training Seminar Rehearsal Session. The meeting will be in Taylor, Room 252 starting at 09:30.

OGRTF Chair:  Stephen C. Knapp (Steve)
410-468-3606 (Office)
443-286-6785 (Cell Phone)

Scheduled OGRTF Meetings

Key Documents

Meeting Minutes
OGRTF Meeting Minutes (February 15, 2005)
Sep 19, 2005 - doc - 29.5 KB

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