Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) Meeting

February 15, 2012
09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Room 206
Teleconference: 877-668-4493
Meeting number: 938 513 440
Meeting password: WMSm123!!



Antitrust Admonition 


9:30 a.m.


Approval of Meeting Minutes (Vote)

  • January 11, 2012 

E. Goff

9:35 a.m.


ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) Updates 

E. Goff

9:40 a.m.


TAC Assignments (Possible Vote)

  • NPRR418, Reporting Resource Outage Assigned to QMWG
  • Criteria for Load Resources considered for Reliability Must-Run (RMR)
  • Mapping Heuristic Rules for Market Information System (MIS) Posting
  • Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC) Settlement
  • Other TAC Assignments 

E. Goff

9:50 a.m.


ERCOT Operations and Market Items:


10:00 a.m.


  • Market Enhancement Task Force (MET) - Update

E. Goff



  • Seasonal Assessment of Resource Adequacy (SARA) Schedule
  • Non-Spinning Reserve (Non-Spin) Service Deployment and Recall Procedure (Possible Vote)

D. Woodfin


S. Bridges



  • Proposal for Resource Cost Working Group replacing Verifiable Cost Working Group (VCWG) (Possible Vote)

J. Bevill



  • Implementation of NPRR355 Energy Weighted Price for DC-Tie Load Zone (Possible Vote)




  • Verifiable Cost Manual (Vote)
    • Update
    • Verifiable Cost Manula Discussion 

I. Gonzalez

M. Bruce



NPRR385, Security Violation Analysis and Reporting and Negative Price Floor - (Possible Vote)  

E. Goff

10:30 a.m.


NPRR412, Quick Start Generation Resource Compliance Metric Adjustments - (Possible Vote

E. Goff

10:45 a.m.


NPRR416, Removal of the RUC Clawback Charge for Resources Other than RMR Units - (Possible Vote

E. Goff

10:50 a.m.


NPRR425, Creation of a WGR Group for GREDP and Base Point Deviation Evaluation - (Possible Vote

E. Goff

11:00 a.m.


Metering Working Group (MWG)

  • Chair and Vice Chair Election (Vote

D. DiSanto

11:15 a.m.


Draft NPRR, Implementation of PUC Subst. Rule 25.507, Emergency Response Service (ERS) (Possible Vote) 

P. Wattles

11:30 a.m.





12:00 p.m.


Reliability Deployments Task Force (RDTF) - Update

  • 0-LSL Energy Solution (Possible Vote)
  • Over Mitigation in SCED (Possible Vote)
  • Power Balance Penalty Factor Slope, Magnitude, and Timing (Possible Vote

R. Comstock

1:00 p.m.


Congestion Management Working Group (CMWG)

  • Chair and Vice Chair Election (Vote)
  • General Update 

M. Wagner

1:45 p.m.


Demand Side Working Group (DSWG)

  • General Update
  • Environmental Issues With Distributed Generation (DG) in Emergency Response Services (ERS)
  • Emergency Interruptible Load Service (EILS) Update 

T. Carter

2:00 p.m.


Emerging Technology Working Group (ETWG)

  • Confirm Chair and Vice Chair (Vote)
  • Draft NPRR, Power Storage Offer Caps and Floors (Possible Vote)
  • Verifiable Cost Manual Appendix for Storage 

M. Bruce

2:25 p.m.


Market Credit Working Group (MCWG)

  • Confirm Chair and Vice Chair (Vote)
  • General Update
  • NPRR438, Additional Minimum Counter-Party Qualification Requirements, Including Risk Management Capability Requirements
  • NPRR439, Updating a Counter-Party’s Available Credit Limit for Current Day DAM
  • Day-Ahead Market (DAM) Collateral Parameters 

L. Martin


2:40 p.m.


QSE Managers Working Group (QMWG)

  • General Update
  • DAM Make-Whole Settlement regarding QSE requested de-committed interval
  • NOGRR084, Daily Grid Operations Report - Update
  • ERCOT Report of Generation Resource Energy Deployment Performance (GREDP) and manual overrides of SCED
  • Update on Wind Generation Resource (WGR) GREDP and Wind Forecast
  • NPRR418, Reporting Resource Outage Alternative 

S. Looney



2:55 p.m.


WMS 2012 Goals Update

E. Goff

3:10 p.m.


Other Business

  • Shadow Price Caps Process as Binding Document

E. Goff

3:25 p.m.


Generation Adequacy Task Force (GATF) No Update 

A. Pieniazek



Verifiable Cost Working Group No Update 

H. Lookadoo




Future WMS Meetings

  • March 7, 2012


3:55 p.m.

Scheduled WMS Meetings

Key Documents

Feb 10, 2012 - doc - 74 KB
Mar 22, 2012 - doc - 153.5 KB
Feb 7, 2012 - zip - 950.1 KB
Feb 8, 2012 - doc - 143 KB
Feb 9, 2012 - ppt - 120.5 KB
Feb 16, 2012 - pdf - 40.9 KB
Feb 15, 2012 - doc - 780.5 KB
Feb 15, 2012 - ppt - 1.3 MB
Feb 15, 2012 - xls - 138 KB
Feb 20, 2012 - ppt - 337.5 KB
Feb 14, 2012 - doc - 578 KB
Feb 14, 2012 - pdf - 73.6 KB
Feb 10, 2012 - ppt - 476 KB
Feb 15, 2012 - ppt - 106 KB
Feb 14, 2012 - ppt - 241 KB
Feb 15, 2012 - ppt - 373 KB
Feb 10, 2012 - ppt - 116 KB
Feb 15, 2012 - ppt - 128.5 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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