Special PRS Meeting

February 16, 2022
01:00 PM
Teleconference: 877-668-4493
Meeting number: 2555 981 6295
Meeting password: 3Xr6#


All ERCOT Members intending to vote should join through WebEx and have access to their company email.

For Voting Members:

  • PRS Standing Representatives should submit Alternate Representative designations no later than 3PM the day prior to the meeting
  • Non-Standing Representatives who intend to vote at PRS should send an email stating your Intent to Vote to Stakeholder Services at stakeholderservices@ercot.com by 3PM no later than one day prior to the PRS meeting
  • An email with a unique validation code will be sent to all PRS Standing Representatives and their designated Alternative Representatives, and non-standing representatives prior to the meeting
    • To allow validation of your login and ensure your ability to vote in the meeting as a representative of your company, please copy and paste your login given in the email when logging into the Webex
  • If you are using a phone for audio, please associate your phone to your name by using the "Call me" option (easiest) or the "Call in" option and enter your assigned Attendee ID when prompted
  • Use the Chat function to queue for comments/motions (not Raise Hand or commenting from the phone) – reply to Everyone
  • All votes will conducted via roll call



Antitrust Admonition

Martha Henson


Revision Requests Tabled at PRS (Possible Vote)

NPRR1097, Create Resource Forced Outage Report – URGENT

NPRR1120, Create Firm Fuel Supply Service – URGENT

Martha Henson


Other Business

Martha Henson



Martha Henson

Scheduled PRS Meetings

Apr 28, 2022 - docx - 58.6 KB
Feb 16, 2022 - xls - 114.5 KB
Feb 16, 2022 - xls - 114.5 KB
Feb 9, 2022 - doc - 72.5 KB
Feb 14, 2022 - pptx - 53.9 KB
Feb 16, 2022 - zip - 920 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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