UFE TF Meeting

February 21, 2005
09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Rm. 168


TOPIC     - Agenda Item -- Facilitator

1)       Antitrust Admonition -- Ed Echols

2)       Roundtable discussion of the listed items in John’s attachment -- John Taylor

a.       Are the items considered an issue by the market?

b.       Are there market operational resolutions possible?

c.       Is the electrical system in ERCOT measurable in a way to quantify UFE by electrical system categories?

                                                               i.      Generation

                                                             ii.      Transmission

                                                            iii.      Distribution

3)       Operations Load Aggregation - ERCOT Staff  - Carl Raish --

a.       Update concerning the discussions from previous UFE TF meeting on substation load aggregation

b.       Discussion of how operational data might be used to analyze UFE

c.       Thoughts on more market friendly UFE data availability -- is the data on UFE from Settlement at the level that market participants find it useful or could it be formatted to broader time spans than by 15 minute interval to provide dash board approach to determining if a problem is arising?

4)       Other Items

Scheduled UFETF Meetings

Key Documents

John Taylor document of ErcotUFE
John Taylor - UFE Sources
Feb 8, 2005 - doc - 51 KB
UFE_for 022105
ERCOT Presentation on UFE
Feb 14, 2005 - ppt - 671.5 KB
UFE Meeting Notes for 02/21/2005
Mar 4, 2005 - doc - 66.5 KB

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