Texas SET Meeting

February 21, 2006
10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Dial-In: 512.225.7280
Dial-In Code: 5436



Antitrust Admonition

ERCOT strictly prohibits market participants and their employees who are participating in ERCOT activities from using their participation in ERCOT activities as a forum for engaging in practices or communications that violate the antitrust laws.  The ERCOT Board has approved guidelines for members of ERCOT Committees, subcommittees and working Groups to be reviewed and followed by each market participant attending ERCOT meetings.  If you have not received a copy of these Guidelines, please send an email to Brittney Albracht balbracht@ercot.com to receive a copy.

  • Antitrust Admonition Reviewed -- No Questions


Kathy Scott - CenterPoint

10:00 AM




Please see TX SET Attendance Sheet in Key Documents for list of attendees




Mass Transition

·        Customer Information Database


Glen Wingerd suggested that there is an option that ERCOT could accumulate the transactions from a Market Participant and then ERCOT could translate this information to a CSV file and communicating this information to a third party. 


Discussed writing the PRR ad RMGRR and whether Mass Transition/TX SET needs to take a certain stance on what path they believe should be used for the Customer Database. 


Diana Rehfeldt asked what the reason was for ERCOT not holding the information.  Charlie Bratton stated that his understanding that if the system was breached and a Market Participant sued ERCOT because of the breach they would be suing themselves.  Cary Reed stated that there has not been a firm explanation of why they don’t want ERCOT to store the data information.


Shannon Bowling stated that they have an issue with ERCOT holding it because they have concern of their customer information being passed to another Market Participant. 


Charlie Bratton stated that he has been asked by his company to prove that there is a need for the expenditure for the storage and transmission of customer information. 


Glen Wingerd stated that it would be a lot less expensive to add tables to existing databases and modify one transaction than to work with another third party.  Glen also stated that security would be better if the information does not have to be routed to an additional party. 


Sonja Mingo stated that ERCOT will perform a cost benefit analysis on the language proposed on the PRRs and RMGRRs. 


Cary Reed suggested that CRs also do a cost benefit analysis on what it will take to change their system to use a PC to transmit the information and in also changing to send this information to ERCOT. 


  • Discuss Deliverables from Mass Transition Taskforce Meeting (02/07/06), any changes since last meeting or RMS recommendations?


  • Action Items from TX SET Mass Transition Meeting on 02/08/06.  (See Action Items Section Below)



10:30 AM





12:00 PM


Mass Transition

  • Checklist of Changes (Create New or Revise Current Documentation)
  • Kathy Scott developed a spreadsheet for tracking the potential changes to the documents below.  Spreadsheet is attached in the Key Documents section below. 
    • Business Requirements
    • Implementation Guide Review
    • Retail Market Guide -- Revisions needed to document detail market processes?
    • Visio Flow Processes
      • Reviewed (and revised as necessary) the Visio Flows for Mass Transition Scenarios with an ERCOT generated transaction.  See Visio Flows in Key Documents below.
      • Reviewed the Visio Flows for Mass Transition Scenarios with an ERCOT generated transaction.  See Visio Flows in Key Documents below.
      • Discussed that the Drop to POLR transactions will need to be built in order to be manipulated for cases where customers are being sent to "Designated CR". 
      • Manual cancellation and unexecutable codes were discussed.  It was determined there is still a need for manual cancels but may look at automating the handling of unexecutables at ERCOT. 
      • Need to draw a Visio for the situation where the customer is with a CR and there is a switch to the Defaulting CR scheduled out in the future.  The Switch to the Defaulting CR will be cancelled no matter when the Switch is scheduled. 
    • Protocol Revisions
      • Chapter 15 -- Customer Registration
      • Chapter 19 -- Texas Standard Electronic Transactions
      • Chapter 24 -- Retail Point to Point Communications
      • Others? Example:  Chapter 02 -- Definitions and Acronyms



1:00 PM


Mass Transition Checkpoint -- Follow up and Action Items?

  • Does TX SET have all necessary documentation and requirements from the Mass Transition Task Force and/or other WG or Subcommittees to begin building transactional changes?  If not, what additional information is needed?
  • What is the timeline for building requirements, changes to Implementation Guides and other documents?



3:30 PM


Follow Up and/or Action Items -- Adjourn


4:00 PM

Scheduled TXSET Meetings

Key Documents

Feb 22, 2006 - xls - 134.5 KB

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