WMS Meeting by Webex Only

March 03, 2021
01:30 PM


Webex Conference

WMS Standing Representatives intending to vote should join through Webex and have access to their company email.

  • Submit Alternate Representative or Proxy designations by 3PM no later than one day prior to the meeting
  • An email with a unique validation code will be sent to all WMS Standing Representatives and their designated Alternative Representative
    • To allow validation of your login and ensure your ability to vote in the meeting as a representative of your company, please copy and paste your login given in the email when logging into the WebEx
  • If you are using a phone for audio, please associate your phone to your name by using the "Call me" option (easiest) or the "Call in" option and enter your assigned Attendee ID when prompted
  • All votes will be conducted via roll call
  • Use the Chat function to queue for comments/motions (not Raise Hand or commenting from the phone) – reply to Everyone
  • Log in to Webex 15 minutes prior to the meeting start so that quorum can be established and log ins can be validated


Validation for WMS Standing Representatives

Suzy Clifton

1:00 p.m.


Antitrust Admonition

Resmi Surendran

1:30 p.m.


Waive Notice for Voting Items (Vote)

Resmi Surendran


Agenda Review

Resmi Surendran


TAC Request: List of WMS Related Items From February 2021 Weather Event

Resmi Surendran

1:35 p.m.


Approval of WMS Meeting Minutes (Vote)

Resmi Surendran

February 3, 2021


New Protocol Revision Subcommittee (PRS) Referrals (Vote)

Resmi Surendran

2:35 p.m.

NPRR1063, Dynamic Rating Transparency

NPRR1067, Market Entry Qualifications, Continued Participation Requirements, and Credit Risk Assessment


WMS Revision Requests (Vote)

Resmi Surendran

2:45 p.m.

Language Review

VCMRR031, Clarification Related to Variable Costs in Fuel Adders


ERCOT Operations and Market Items

2:55 p.m.

Annual update to the Congestion Revenue Right (CRR) Activity Calendar (Vote)

Donald House

Renewable Energy Credit Project Update

Don Tucker


Combo Ballot (Vote)

Resmi Surendran

3:10 p.m.


Supply Analysis Working Group (SAWG)

Caitlin Smith

3:15 p.m.


Other Business

Resmi Surendran

3:25 p.m.

No Report

Demand Side Working Group (DSWG)

Market Credit Working Group (MCWG)

Market Settlement Working Group (MSWG)

Meter Working Group (MWG)

Resource Cost Working Group (RCWG)


 Resmi Surendran

3:30 p.m.

Scheduled WMS Meetings

Key Documents

Apr 29, 2021 - docx - 81.3 KB
Mar 3, 2021 - xls - 129.5 KB
Mar 3, 2021 - xls - 134.5 KB
Mar 3, 2021 - xls - 134.5 KB
Feb 28, 2021 - doc - 152.5 KB
Mar 3, 2021 - docx - 34.1 KB
Mar 2, 2021 - pdf - 424.3 KB
Mar 3, 2021 - docx - 229 KB
Mar 2, 2021 - docx - 61.9 KB
Feb 26, 2021 - xlsx - 21.5 KB
Feb 26, 2021 - pptx - 99.8 KB
Feb 26, 2021 - pptx - 60.9 KB
Mar 3, 2021 - zip - 1.2 MB
Feb 25, 2021 - zip - 271 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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