OWG Meeting

March 07, 2011
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Embassy Suites Hotel - San Marcos
1001 E. McCarty Lane
TX 78666



Antitrust Admonition


9:00 AM


ROS meeting Report




OWG meeting note’s approval




NOGRRs for review and language changes:

· ROS approved the NOGRR043 (OWG comments) as amended by ROS.  ROS directed OWG to resolve the issue relating to the language change made in Section 2.9.1, 1)b): (note - turbines was revised to WGRs) A draft NOGRR will be submitted to address this issue. ERCOT Planning and Wind Coalition.

· 056NOGRR Synchronization with NPRR291, Reduce the Comment Period for NPRRs and SCRs.  This Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) reduces the comment period for NOGRRs from 21 days to 14 days and removes the requirement for the comment period to end at least three Business Days prior to the next regularly scheduled Operations Working Group (OWG) meeting. [ERCOT] IA Review

· 058NOGRR Deletion of Section 5, Planning. This Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) deletes Section 5 from the Nodal Operating Guide, which is being relocated to Section 5 of the Planning Guide via PGRR005, New Planning Guide Section 5, Planning Criteria.   [PLWG] IA Review

· 060NOGRR Updating the Term Resource Plan to Current Operating Plan.  This Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) replaces the term Resource Plan with the termCurrent Operating Plan in the instance where the change in terminology was not previously made.  [Luminant] Language Review

· 061NOGRR Posting Requirement for Hydro-Responsive Testing.  This Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) changes the requirement for ERCOT to post a monthly report for hydro-responsive testing to a seasonal report, aligning the Nodal Operating Guides with the Protocols.  [ERCOT] Language Review

· 306NPRR Revisions to Protected Information to Include Black Start Documents Considered CEII.  This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) revises Section 1.3.6 to include Black Start documents that meet the definition of Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII). [TMPA] PRS Recommended approval, but requested that OWG review for other potential CEII documents.  Consider backup plans     

· 315NPRR Revision of Responsive Reserve Measure to Net Dependable Capability.  This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) changes RRS Service 20% limit to check against Net Dependable Capability instead of High Sustained Limit (HSL). [Morgan Stanley] PRS tabled and requested that OWG review and file comments if necessary.  "further discussion is needed for calculating RRS and this discussion should occur at " (OWG via ROS)




Operations Report 

· Operations Report Monthly Summary/Questions




Nodal Operating Guides Review and Revision Task Force Report. Next meeting scheduled for 3/15/11




Operations Task Force Report update on Voltage Profile issues with +/- 2 % or +/- 5 % of nominal. Review draft NPRR/NOGRR.




Black Start Task Force Report -

S. Zaragoza

Kelly Blackmer



Compliance Report

Texas RE



System Operations




Other items.

Some questions for OWG and TRE to consider as we implement PER-005 here in ERCOT are:

Do all System Operators operating in ERCOT (the TRE Region) have authority or control over Facilities with or affecting IROLs?

What is the subset of System Operators in ERCOT that this requirement applies to?

What applications or forms of "technology that replicates the operational behavior of the BES during normal and emergency conditions" would be considered acceptable simulation technology by TRE and NERC?







12:00 PM

Scheduled OWG Meetings

Key Documents

Mar 3, 2011 - doc - 75 KB
Mar 3, 2011 - doc - 79 KB
Mar 3, 2011 - doc - 44.5 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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