BESTF Meeting by WebEx Only

March 13, 2020
09:30 AM
Teleconference: 877-668-4493
Meeting number: 624 502 576
Meeting password: BESTF



Antitrust Admonition


9:30 am



General Update and Review of past and future TAC items




Review and Discuss KTCs: (Possible Consensus Items)





KTC-11: DC-Coupled Resources




a) KTC-11.1 Registration



b) KTC-11.2 Participation Model (EMS and MMS)


c) KTC-11.3 Forecasting


d) KTC-11.4 Performance


e) KTC-11.5 Mitigation treatment in SCED


f) KTC-11.6 WSL Treatment and RECs


g) KTC-11.7 Data Requirements from QSEs


h) KTC-11.8 Operations and Planning Studies


i) KTC-11.9 Resource Adequacy Reporting


j) KTC-11.10 Proxy Energy Offer and Bid to Buy Curves


k) KTC-11.11 RUC Capacity Short Calculations


l) KTC-11.12 PRC and RTOLCAP Calculations


m) KTC-11.13 Charging an ESS portion of DC Coupled Resource under ERCOT Emergency Conditions


n) KTC-11.14 DC-Coupled Resource Statuses





KTC-12 Co-Located AC-Connected Energy Storage Resources




a) KTC-12.1 Registration



b) KTC-12.2 Participation Model (EMS and MMS)



c) KTC-12.3 Forecasting



d) KTC-12.4 Performance


e) KTC-12.5 Mitigation Treatment in SCED


f) KTC-12.6 WSL Treatment


g) KTC-12.7 Data Requirements from QSEs



KTC-13 Self-Limiting Resources (ESR Co-located with GR)




a) KTC-13.1 Assumptions for Self-Limiting Generation Site


b) KTC-13.2 Compliance and Monitoring program for Self-Limiting Generation Site


c) KTC-13.3 Real-Time Telemetry and COP Requirements


d) KTC-13.4 GINR Pmax Study for a DC Coupled Resource


e) KTC-13.5 Resource Adequacy Reporting


f) KTC-13.6 GINR Process- Adding battery to existing PV/WGR site and sharing the existing inverter (DC-Coupled) - No Grid Charging


g) KTC-13.7 GINR Process- Adding battery to existing PV/WGR site and sharing the existing inverter (DC-Coupled) - With Grid Charging


h) KTC-13.8 GINR Process- Adding battery to existing thermal generation site (AC Coupled)


i) KTC-13.9 GINR Process- Adding battery to existing PV/WGR site (AC Coupled)


j) KTC-13.10 GINR Process - New DC Coupled Resource


k) KTC-13.11 GINR Process - New AC Coupled Resource



KTC-15 Additional Items:




a) KTC-15.1 Proxy Process for ESR Energy Bids/Offers and Ancillary Service Offers



1. For the Combo Model Era


2. For the Single Model Era


3. For the Single Model Era the AS Offer process for ESRs





Wrap-up and Next Meeting


1:00 pm


Scheduled BESTF Meetings

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