TPTF Meeting

March 20, 2008
09:30 AM - 05:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Room 206A
Teleconference: 866-469-3239
Meeting number: 357 623 764
Meeting password: TPTF123!!



Requested Links:
| IDA Punchlist | TPTF Punchlist | Quality Center | Nodal Metrics | Nodal Schedules | Nodal Reports | SPR1643 Bucket

1. Antitrust Admonition

T. Doggett

9:30 am
2. Review Agenda

T. Doggett

3. Confirm Future Meetings:
  • March 31 - April 2, 2008 (offsite)
  • April 21 - 22, 2008 (offsite)
  • May 5 - 7, 2008 (Met Center)
  • May 22 - 23, 2008 (Met Center)

T. Doggett

4. Consider Approval of meeting minutes:
  • March 3 - 5, 2008 TPTF meeting (possible vote*)

T. Doggett

5.1. Outage Scheduler Update
  • Discuss options for solving dual-entry issues
  • Review updates for the Outage Scheduler MP Handbook (possible vote*)

D. Cote
W. Rickerson

9:40 am
5.2. Discuss NPRR111, Timelines for Response by ERCOT to TSP Requests (possible vote*)

W. Rickerson

10:30 am
5.3. Nodal Timeline Update

R. Chudgar

11:00 am
6. MMS Update
  • Review NPRR113, Load Resource Type Indicator for Ancillary Service (AS) Trades and Self-Arranged AS (possible vote*)
  • Review discussion paper "Ancillary Service Supply Responsibility Issue - MMS"
  • Announce additional updates to incorporate NPRR102 into the new document NPRR102 MMS Data Requirements for Publication of Resource and Load Information v0.1
  • Discuss status of FAT
  • Discuss status of MMS deferral items

M. Mereness
M. Nixon

1:30 pm
7. Nodal Program Update
  • Key Risks:
    • Infrastructure Capacity/Disaster Recovery
    • Capturing and validating model data for NMMS
    • EMS CIM importer delivery within the EDS Timeline

J. Sullivan

2:45 pm
8. DAM Subgroup Update
  • Discuss recent Subgroup activities
  • Review comments for incorporating Item 3 (changes for AS from SCR and max EOC) into the MMS DAM and SASM Requirements (possible vote*)

S. Siddiqi

3:30 pm

  End by 5:00 pm

Scheduled TPTF Meetings

Key Documents

Mar 31, 2008 - doc - 195.5 KB
Mar 21, 2008 - zip - 180.6 KB
Mar 26, 2008 - zip - 3.4 MB
Mar 19, 2008 - doc - 146 KB
Mar 19, 2008 - doc - 232.5 KB
Mar 18, 2008 - doc - 384 KB
Mar 18, 2008 - doc - 629.5 KB
Mar 18, 2008 - xls - 62.5 KB
05.1- Comments- EDS Outage Scheduler Market Participant Handbook v0.03
(AEP, CNP, Luminant, PCI, Reliant) (from the review ending March 17)
Mar 17, 2008 - zip - 329.1 KB
Mar 17, 2008 - doc - 109 KB
Mar 18, 2008 - pdf - 230 KB
Mar 18, 2008 - xls - 167.5 KB
Mar 21, 2008 - ppt - 1.1 MB
06- Ancillary Service Supply Responsibility Issue - MMS
(no comments received during the review ending March 14)
Mar 11, 2008 - doc - 46 KB
06- NPRR102 MMS Data Requirements for Publication of Resource and Load Information v0.1
(no comments received during the review ending March 19)
Mar 14, 2008 - doc - 194 KB
Mar 21, 2008 - ppt - 88.5 KB
Mar 20, 2008 - ppt - 579 KB
Mar 17, 2008 - zip - 6.9 KB
Mar 20, 2008 - ppt - 202 KB
Mar 12, 2008 - doc - 162.5 KB
Mar 13, 2008 - doc - 500 KB
Mar 17, 2008 - xls - 20.5 KB
Mar 11, 2008 - doc - 25 KB
13- PMO Working Readiness Metric Inventory v0.07
(carried from TPTF 030308 to discuss metric E5)
Mar 3, 2008 - doc - 108.5 KB
Mar 21, 2008 - ppt - 116.5 KB
Mar 19, 2008 - ppt - 98.5 KB
17- Comments - EIP External Interfaces Specification v1.09
(The Structure Group, Luminant, and PCI) (from the review ending March 13)
Mar 14, 2008 - zip - 2 MB

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