TAC Meeting

March 23, 2017
09:30 AM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Room 206
Teleconference: 877-668-4493
Meeting number: 623 611 956
Meeting password: TAC



Antitrust Admonition

B. Helton

9:30 a.m.


Approval of TAC Meeting Minutes (Vote)

B. Helton

9:35 a.m.


January 23, 2017



February ERCOT Board Update

B. Helton

9:40 a.m.


2017 TAC Goals and Strategic Initiatives (Vote)

B. Helton

9:45 a.m.


Protocol Revision Subcommittee Report (Vote)

M. Henson

10:00 a.m.

  • NPRR776, Voltage Set Point Communication
  • NPRR799, Updates to Outages of Transmission Facilities
  • NPRR802, Settlements Clean-up
  • NPRR804, Remove Posting Requirement for Private Use Network Diagrams
  • NPRR808, Three Year CRR Auction
  • NPRR809, GTC or GTL for New Generation Interconnection
  • NPRR810, Applicability of RMR Incentive Factor on Reservation and Transportation Costs Associated with Firm Fuel Supplies
  • NPRR812, Alignment of Currently Published Reports
  • NPRR813, Updated Terminology Related to Annual Market Settlement Operations Audits
  • NPRR818, Allow Curtailment of Certain DC Tie Load Prior to Declaring Emergency Condition - URGENT
  • 2017 PRS Goals
  • Other Binding Document List
  • Notice of Revision Requests Rejected
  • NPRR798, Additional CRR Accounts Request


Revision Request Previously Tabled by TAC (Possible Vote)

B. Helton

10:40 a.m.


PGRR052, Stability Assessment for Interconnecting Generation


Appeal of NOGRR149, Revision to Definition of Transmission Operator (Tabled until August TAC Meeting)



Reliability and Operations Subcommittee Report (Vote)

A. Bern

10:50 a.m.


PGRR054, Stability Limits in the Full Interconnection Study


PGRR055, Planning Guide Revision Request Process


NOGRR166, Removal of the Daily Grid Operations Summary Reports


NOGRR167, Alignment with NPRR776, Voltage Set Point Communication


ROS Procedures


ROS Goals



Retail Market Subcommittee Report (Vote)

K. Scott

11:10 a.m.


RMGRR144, Elimination of REP-Specific Switch Hold Lists



Commercial Operations Subcommittee Report (Vote)

M. Trenary

11:30 a.m.


LPGRR060, Load Profiling Guide Clean Up Related to LPGRR057


LPGRR061, Modifications to Annual Validation Timelines


COPS Goals



Wholesale Market Subcommittee Report

J. Carpenter

11:50 a.m.


WMS Goals (Vote)


Multi-Interval Real-Time Market Feasibility Study (Vote)


ERCOT Update

K. Ogelman


Switchable Generation Resources Update



ERCOT Reports


12:20 p.m.


Virtual Weather Zone Discussion

C. Opheim


2017 Seasonal Adjustment Factor

M. Ruane


Market Continuity Framework

M. Ruane


Greens Bayou RMR Update

M. Ruane


Review of Transmission Loss Factors

D. Jones


Annual ERS Report to TAC (Q&A Only)

M. Patterson



Other Business


1:20 p.m.


UFLS Workshop Update


DER Whitepaper Update





1:30 p.m.

Scheduled TAC Meetings

Key Documents

Aug 10, 2017 - doc - 172.5 KB
Mar 16, 2017 - doc - 96 KB
Mar 21, 2017 - doc - 158.5 KB
Mar 16, 2017 - zip - 22.5 KB
Mar 21, 2017 - zip - 615.9 KB
Mar 16, 2017 - zip - 2.7 MB
Mar 22, 2017 - zip - 508.7 KB
Mar 16, 2017 - zip - 525.1 KB
Mar 16, 2017 - zip - 648.9 KB
Mar 21, 2017 - zip - 396.9 KB
Mar 21, 2017 - zip - 2.8 MB
Mar 21, 2017 - pptx - 123.6 KB
Mar 22, 2017 - docx - 17.8 KB
Mar 22, 2017 - zip - 8.2 MB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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