TDTMS Meeting by WebEx Only

March 24, 2020
09:30 AM
Teleconference: 877-668-4493
Meeting number: 621 635 756
Meeting password: TDTMS

  • Antitrust Admonition
  • Introductions
  • Minutes: February meeting
  • ERCOT Update
    • System Instances and MarkeTrak Monthly Performance Review
    • 2020 Market Data Transparency SLA - status
    • Transport Layer Security (TLS) Discussion/Timeline – ERCOT NAESB Project
  • TDTMS Landing page – States and Transitions
  • MarkeTrak Subtype Analysis – SCR/documentation of data points/report requirements – REVIEW
    • IAGs/RESC
    • Switch holds
    • Usage & Billing – Missing
    • Usage & Billing – Dispute
    • Missing Enrollment Transactions
    • AMS LSE Dispute
  • MarkeTrak Enhancement Discussion – high level
    • Overall timeline
    • Review initial list
    • Clean up activity of drop downs, particularly IAGs
    • Validations
  • Wrap Up
    • Discuss next meeting’s agenda
    • Action Items
  • Adjourn

Scheduled TDTMS Meetings

Key Documents

Mar 11, 2020 - docx - 84.4 KB
Mar 11, 2020 - xls - 32 KB
Mar 11, 2020 - xlsx - 12.6 KB
Mar 23, 2020 - pptx - 86.2 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.